
N1 Noun


port (side of a ship)


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      To turn the ship to the left, take the helm to port. {port (side of a ship)}

      • N1


      The helm is the way to steer the ship to the left, towards the port side. {port (side of a ship)}

      • N1


      To avoid the iceberg that suddenly appeared in front of me, I take the helm full to the port. {port (side of a ship)}

      • N1


      Even though I ordered to steer to port, the sailor steered to starboard causing the ship to tilt to the right. {port (side of a ship)}

      • N1


      I missed taking the port helm, the ship ran aground, and as a captain, I lost all my confidence at once. {port (side of a ship)}

      • N1
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