
N1 Noun


someone who feels the cold, someone sensitive to cold


    • 音声

    • 品詞


    • 単語の種類





      I'm someone sensitive to cold, so winter is the season I dislike. {someone who feels the cold, someone sensitive to cold}

      • N1


      My mother, who is sensitive to cold, is wearing a thick coat. {someone who feels the cold, someone sensitive to cold}

      • N1


      He is someone sensitive to cold, and apparently, he doesn't use air conditioning even in summer. {someone who feels the cold, someone sensitive to cold}

      • N1


      How is my sister, who is so sensitive to cold, going to get through this cold wave? {someone who feels the cold, someone sensitive to cold}

      • N1


      As someone sensitive to cold, I was compelled to use a blanket in the movie theater where the air conditioning was strong. {someone who feels the cold, someone sensitive to cold}

      • N1
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