
N2 する Verb (Special)


to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with, to be subject to


    • 高低アクセント

    • 国語辞典 トップ 1,100

    • 品詞

      する Verb (Special)

    • 単語の種類





      That document belongs to this library. {to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with, to be subject to}

      • N2


      I heard that cherry blossoms belong to the rose family. {to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with, to be subject to}

      • N2


      I belong to the wind orchestra club in high school. {to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with, to be subject to}

      • N2


      Since I had a fight with my colleague, we are no longer part of the same team. {to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with, to be subject to}

      • N2


      He, who used to hang out with the local delinquents, eventually became a member of a violent gang. {to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with, to be subject to}

      • N2
    • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。
