


sticky, thickly (e.g. painted), heavily (applied), all over (pasting, stamping, etc.), clinging (e.g. of a person), following around, being all over (each other), flirting, cliched, hackneyed






      My underwear is sticky from sweat. {sticky, thickly (e.g. painted), heavily (applied), all over (pasting, stamping, etc.), clinging (e.g. of a person), following around, being all over (each other), flirting, cliched, hackneyed}


      Flirting heavily in public places is a breach of manners. {sticky, thickly (e.g. painted), heavily (applied), all over (pasting, stamping, etc.), clinging (e.g. of a person), following around, being all over (each other), flirting, cliched, hackneyed}


      My mother is applying foundation thickly. {sticky, thickly (e.g. painted), heavily (applied), all over (pasting, stamping, etc.), clinging (e.g. of a person), following around, being all over (each other), flirting, cliched, hackneyed}


      I heavily applied glue and pasted the memo paper onto the notebook. {sticky, thickly (e.g. painted), heavily (applied), all over (pasting, stamping, etc.), clinging (e.g. of a person), following around, being all over (each other), flirting, cliched, hackneyed}


      My son, who is preparing for exams, has papers with his goals written on them pasted all over the walls of his room. {sticky, thickly (e.g. painted), heavily (applied), all over (pasting, stamping, etc.), clinging (e.g. of a person), following around, being all over (each other), flirting, cliched, hackneyed}

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