
N1 レッスン 5: 16/17


Whole, -wide, Across the, Entire, All of, With … altogether


Noun + ぐるみ
Noun + ぐるみ + + Noun


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When following nouns, the suffix ぐるみ 'including (A)', 'all over (A)', or '(A) wide' is used to express that something encompasses absolutely all of (A). ぐるみ stem from the う-Verb (くる)む, meaning 'to wrap', or 'to encompass'. In many cases, the case marking particle で will follow ぐるみ to mark 'with', but の may also be seen when preceding a second noun.
  • 毎年(まいとし)家族(かぞく)ぐるみで初詣(はつもうで)()きます。
    I go to Hatsumode with my entire family every year.
  • 会社(かいしゃ)ぐるみで違法(いほう)取引(とりひき)をしていたので、社員(しゃいん)全員(ぜんいん)逮捕(たいほ)された。
    All the employees were arrested because the entire company was doing illegal business.
  • (かれ)とは家族(かぞく)ぐるみの()()いです。
    Our family is friends with him and his whole family. (He is a family friend)
  • (まち)ぐるみの治安(ちあん)をよくするために、町内会(ちょうないかい)(ひと)たちが毎晩(まいばん)パトロールをしています。
    In order to improve the security of the entire town, people from the neighborhood association patrol the area every night.
ぐるみ is most frequently seen following words that specify a whole 'group' or 'span' to which the topic of the sentence is only one part of. This could be one member of a family, one home within a neighborhood, one student within a school, or any other number of things that share a clearly identifiable link.
Despite this, the primary nuance will always be that the group itself shares a common trait, rather than focusing on any individual part.


  • 「ともさん家族(かぞく)ぐるみ()()です。」

    'Our family is acquaintances with Tomo and her entire family.'

    家族ぐるみの付き合い implies a relationship of equals, so it is a relation between the families rather than a single subject with Tomo-san and her family.

    • その会社食品(しょくひん)偽装(ぎそう)会社(かいしゃ)ぐるみで(おこな)ものだ社員(しゃいん)1(ひとり)だけ責任(せきにん)おしつけべきではない

      The false labeling of food products was a company-wide practice. A single employee should not be blamed.

      • 地方自治体(ちほうじちたい)サイト:「◯◯(けん)地域(ちいき)ぐるみで気候変動対策(きこうへんどうたいさく)()()ことにより、ゴミの(りょう)50%()ことができました

        Local government website: 'In XX Prefecture we were able to reduce the amount of garbage by 50% through region-wide efforts to combat climate change.'

        • 地方自治体(ちほうじちたい)サイト:「(まち)ぐるみ年中行事(ねんちゅうぎょうじ)「ゴミ(ひろ)い」10/10(())に(おこな)ます。」

          Local government website: 'A city-wide annual event, 'Garbage Collecting' will be held on Saturday, October 10.'

          • 詐欺(さぎ)詐欺師(さぎし):「もしもし祖母(ばあ)さん(おれ)(おれ)!」

            Scam, Scammer: 'Hello, Grandma? It's me!'
            Takeshi's grandmother: 'Takeshi? What's wrong?'
            Scammer: 'Yes, it's me. I was ripped off for everything I had by bad people. Could you bring me some money?'

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