
N1 レッスン 3: 8/17

にして + ()れば

For (A), In the case of (A), From (A)'s point of view, In the eyes of (A)


Noun + にしてみれば(1)

(1) にしてみたら


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にしてみれば, usually written completely in hiragana, is an expression used when the speaker is making a hypothetical statement about how something may appear from the point of view of another. It will often be translated as 'from the point of view of (A), (B)', 'in the case of (A), (B)', or simply 'for (A), (B)'. Literally, the meaning is 'assuming that I was (A) and then looking from there, (B)'.
にしてみれば will appear after nouns that represent a person, or organizations representative of people. It is a combination of the case-marking particle に, the て-form of する, and the hypothetical form of ()る, ()れば.
  • 上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)には簡単(かんたん)かもしれないが、初心者(しょしんしゃ)にしてみればかなり(むずか)しいと(おも)う。
    For someone who is experienced it may be easy, but for someone new, I think it would be difficult.
  • 日本人(にほんじん)(わたし)にしてみれば日本語(にほんご)簡単(かんたん)だけど英語(えいご)(むずか)しい。
    As a Japanese person, Japanese is easy, but English is hard.
  • アニメをあまり()らない(ひと)にしてみれば、ポケモンもデジモンも(おな)じアニメだ。
    From the point of view of someone who doesn't watch anime, Pokemon and Digimon are the same anime.
As にしてみれば will exclusively follow words that indicate a person or a group of people, the (B) part of the phrase will usually discuss how the speaker assumes that they would feel given the situation. Because of this assumption, these sentences often finish with だろう, でしょう, かもしれない, and other similar structures.




    For Harry, it was the first time he had ever been treated kindly.
    (From the perspective of Harry)


    It might appear to be a mere cheap pendant from the side, but for Raku, it has become a precious memento.
    (From the perspective of Raku)


    For an adult, it is very simple, but for a small child, it might be quite hard.
    (From the perspective of a small child)


    She intended it as a joke, but for him, it wasn't a laughing matter, and he didn't talk to her for three weeks.
    (From his perspective)


    His life that seems too dangerous to us, is likely quite ordinary for him.
    (From his perspective)

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      最近の返信 (合計5件)

      • Pushindawood


        @matt_in_mito Sorry about that! Your answer should have been flagged rather than marked incorrect. I have updated the answers that throw hints/warnings to include the information that @nekoyama mentioned. Thank you for your patience. Cheers!

      • matt_in_mito


        @nekoyama @Pushindawood thanks guys that’s really helpful.

      • Noonche


        I’m having the unclear on the difference between にしてみれば and から見ると… Can anyone explain it to me?

      「にしてみれば」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
