
N2 レッスン 4: 15/18


For the first time in, Haven't done for some time


Noun + ぶり +
Noun + ぶりに
Noun + ぶり + Noun


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When used as a suffix, the voiced form of ()り 'style', ()り will be used to indicate either the way something appears, or some specific lapse of time since the last time something happened. This can be translated as 'for the first time in (A)', or 'haven't done (B) for (A) time'.
As ぶり (appearing most often in hiragana) is a suffix, it will be used after nouns. When followed by に, the part (B) portion of the sentence will give more information about what wasn't done for the period of (A). Additionally, ぶり may be followed by の when attached directly to a second noun that is being modified by ぶり.
  • 1(ねん)ぶりに5キロも(はし)ったから明日(あした)絶対(ぜったい)筋肉痛(きんにくつう)だ。
    I am definitely going to be sore tomorrow because I ran a 5K for the first time in a year.
  • 3(ねん)ぶりに風呂(ふろ)(はい)る。
    I bathed for the first time in 3 years.
  • 4(ねん)ぶりの寿司(すし)だ!やっぱり日本(にほん)寿司(すし)はうまいな!
    This is my first time having sushi in 4 years! Man, Japanese sushi is the best!
  • 高橋(たかはし)選手(せんしゅ)が10(ねん)ぶりの優勝(ゆうしょう)
    Takahashi won for the first time in 10 years!
Caution - Although it is not incorrect, it may be considered unnatural to use ぶり in situations where the interval of time is not significant, such as with minutes, seconds, and hours.
  • 51(ぷん)ぶりに(いえ)(かえ)る。
    I will go home for the first time in 51 minutes. (Unnatural Japanese)




    Going to the dentist is something I haven't done in 2 years.


    I met a high school friend who I hadn't seen for 10 years.


    This is the first time since fall three years ago that I've seen a view this beautiful.


    Ohtani got a hit for the first time after not getting one during the last three at bats.


    I ate sushi for the first time in two weeks.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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      最近の返信 (合計2件)

      • Aythreuk


      • nekoyama


        It’s more like “It’s the first nice weather in ten days, and…” but that sounds awkward in English.

        I think に could also be used here and that would make it closer to the English translation, but with の it’s very natural in Japanese and trying to keep the same grammatical structure in Japanese and English seems like a fool’s errand anyway…

      「ぶりに」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
