
N4 レッスン 8: 2/18

(ほか)Other, Another, Any other, Anything else, As well as, Besides, In addition

ほかにも cannot be used in negative sentences, with the exception of questions
is another way to write ほか


(ほか) + + Noun
(その(1)) + (ほか) + (2)
Noun + の + (ほか) + (2)
Verb + (ほか) + (2)
(その(1)) + (ほか) + (3) + Phrase[ない]
Noun + の + (ほか) + (3) + Phrase[ない]
Verb + (ほか) + (3) + Phrase[ない]

(1) この
(2) に、、に
(3) に、


  • 使用域



(ほか) is regularly considered to be one of the more difficult structures to master in Japanese, so let's take a thorough look at it. Basically, (ほか) by itself just means 'another', or 'other'. highlights (ほか) 'another thing' as being the target of what comes next in any particular sentence. The possibilities are as follows:

(ほか) - Another thing.

(ほか)) - Even another thing (sounds less certain).

(ほか)) - Was there another thing (focuses on something pre-existing, which someone may have forgotten).

(ほか) + Noun - Another 'specific thing'.

(ほか)) may be used in either positive or negative sentences, but it tends to appear in negative sentences more often.


Because (ほか)) focuses on the 'addition' of another thing, it cannot be used in negative sentences (with the exception of questions).

The reason this is acceptable in questions, but not statements, is due to the 'isn't it?' meaning that negative questions can have in Japanese (just like English). It is the equivalent of the following:

この(ほか)にもない - In addition to this, there is also nothing (sounds strange in English!)

その(ほか)にもないか - In addition to that, is there nothing else? (sounds normal in English!)




    Anything else?


    No, I don't need anything else.


    Have you ever been to any other countries?


    I wonder if there is no other way. (another)


    I can't use anything but these chopsticks. (other than)

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。






最近の返信 (合計27件)

  • bilowik


    I know I’m pretty late on this feedback, but I also struggled here for a while but the bit that made it click for was the bit in the caution that says “他にも focuses on the addition of something” and then going back to the other sentences made them all make sense. I think this mention of it being focused on addition should also be in the main section when talking about 他に(も) and would help differentiate the different uses.

    I think why it’s not as effective only being down there bc it’s easy to overlook, the focus of that caution section is on negative sentences and why you can’t use も in them, rather than when you do use も. So for me, I overlooked this super helpful bit a good number of times, and once I really attached that meaning of “in addition” to も, it all clicked.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my feedback! <3

  • soundjona


  • highliuk


    So can someone explain how to use 他には and how to use 他にも?

「ほかに(も)・ほか(に)は」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
