
N3 レッスン 5: 22/22


Used to


Verb[た]+ もの


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As mentioned the ものだ lesson, the combination of the noun (もの) 'thing', with the auxiliary verb だ forms a strong determination about whatever comes before it as being 'the way it is'. As an extension of this nuance, ものだ can be paired with verbs in the past tense, creating a phrase similar to 'I used to (A) in the past'. However, the literal meaning is closer to '(A) was the way it used to be'.
  • 子供(こども)(ころ)はよく先生(せんせい)(おこ)られたものだ
    I used to get yelled at by the teacher often when I was still a kid.
  • (むかし)はよく親父(おやじ)()()たものだ
    I used to go fishing with my father in the past.
  • (わか)(ころ)色々(いろいろ)苦労(くろう)たものだ
    When I was young, I used to suffer a lot.
Due to ものだ being a strong determination of something's existence/truth, this expression quite often carries the nuance that the speaker is nostalgic about (A), reminiscing about (A), or being introspective about (A). This means that it will not sound natural when describing things that are seemingly inconsequential, or have no meaningful significance.
  • 小学生(しょうがくせい)(ころ)毎日(まいにち)学校(がっこう)()たものだ
    I used to go to school everyday when I was an elementary student. (Unnatural, as this is a normal event)
  • (むかし)毎日(まいにち)のように親父(おやじ)けんかたものだ
    In the past I fought with my father everyday. (Natural, as this is a meaningful event)
When highlighting things in the past that are not particularly important, たことがある will be used instead.
  • 多分(たぶん)子供(こども)(ころ)()たことがある
    I may have eaten this when I was a kid. (Unimportant)
  • 子供(こども)(ころ)はよ神社(じんじゃ)(あそ)んだ(こと)がある
    When I was a kid, I played at the shrine a lot. (Potentially important, but not in this speaker's opinion)




    I used to go swimming in the ocean a lot when I was a child.


    A long time ago, I often used to go out and take long drives.


    When I was a child, I used to nod off a lot in the middle of class.


    Dad used to take me to the movies when I was a child.


    People used to take their water from wells, but now you can just get it (directly) from the water supply.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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      最近の返信 (合計8件)

      • IcyIceBear


        Hiii again
        Have you heard of the Hinative app? I recommend it, it was basically built for those kinds of questions! I haven’t used it in a while, but I would use it to check with natives if my sentences were natural. It’s really easy to get translations from multiple natives and learners alike, as well as corrections/suggestions on how to say something better

      • RezoneH


        thank you for your reply and valuable time.

        I’ve heard of it, yes. As you said, I think it is a useful site for this purpose. Have you tried ChatGPT? If you have heard or experienced it before, I do not want to make any additional explanations about it.

        I hope that there are many people at a higher level than me at Bunpro who can answer this question.

      • RezoneH


        Not bad yes. I liked it. It’s integrated with A.I., that’s great, I didn’t know that. Thanks for your advice.

      「たものだ」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
