
N1 レッスン 7: 9/17


According to, In accordance with, Based on, In line with


Noun + (のっと)って(1)
Noun (A) + (のっと)った(2) + Noun (B)



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(のっと)って is a formal expression used when something is being done 'according to (A)', or 'in line with (A)'. This is usually some basis, foundation, or standard which has a long running history. The case-marking particle に is being combined with the て-form of the う-Verb (のっと)る 'to follow along with' in this grammar pattern. Based on this, the literal meaning is just that (B) is something that follows along with (A).
While several forms may be seen, the most common are a noun followed by にのっとって, or a noun followed by にのっとった which will then modify a second noun.
  • どの(くに)()こうと、その(くに)法律(ほうりつ)(のっと)って生活(せいかつ)しなくてはいけない。
    No matter what country you go to, you must live according to the laws of that country.
  • 芸能(げいのう)事務所(じむしょ)規則(きそく)(のっと)って事務所(じむしょ)内緒(ないしょ)交際(こうさい)(はじ)めたアイドルがクビになった。
    In accordance with the rules of the production company, the idol that began to date without notifying the company got fired.
  • (わたし)無宗教(むしゅうきょう)なので、宗教(しゅうきょう)にのっとった(しき)はあげたくないです。
    I am not religious, so I do not want to have a ceremony based on religion.
  • たとえ(くに)のガイドラインにのっとった方法(ほうほう)物事(ものごと)(すす)めても、批判(ひはん)(こえ)()げる(ひと)()てくる。
    Even if things are done in accordance with national guidelines, there will still be those who will voice criticism.
Both the kanji form and the plain hiragana form are quite common, so it will be helpful to remember both.
As (A) is generally considered to be something that has some kind of foundation. It will mostly represent a thing that has some kind of inception point from which point little, if anything, changed. Some examples are laws, traditions, standards, codes of conduct, etc.




    Article: 'No matter what happens, Mr. Takeshi has always acted in accordance with the spirit of chivalry in the boxing ring. For that reason, he has come to be greatly respected in the boxing world.'


    Traditional restaurant advertisement: 'Our kimono-dressed staff will make sure to give you a warm welcome and attentive service that is in accordance with the honored tradition.'


    Job offer: 'We cover travel expenses in accordance with the company policy.'


    Company website: 'Our company pays close attention to handling personal data, in accordance with Personal Information Protection Law.'


    In the case of cancellation of the order, we will charge a 10% cancellation fee in accordance with the predetermined (procedures) of our company.

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      最近の返信 (合計3件)

      • djcostcosamples


        I really struggle to intuit when to use this grammar point over に即して (and also with に沿って、but that seems to be less formal, so I can generally figure it out).

        Is there something I’m missing between these two points that differentiates them from each other? They both seem to be used in almost exactly the same way.

        I confuse these grammar points so often, it’d be helpful if there was some sort of hint to help understand why they’re not interchangeable.

      • mrnoone


        You can think of に則って and に則して as synonyms. に沿って is a bit more general expression and can be used where に則って and に則して are used, but it is not always other way around.
        There are many trees along the river.
        I will make sure to add some notifications in those grammar points!


      • djcostcosamples


        I see, thank you!

      「に則って・に則り」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
