
N2 レッスン 4: 4/18


On the occasion of, At the time of


Noun + (さい)
Verb[る]+ (さい)
Noun + (さい) + Noun


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Like (さい) 'on the occasion of (A)', (さい)して will be used to show some particular occasion, and is used most frequently in regard to one-off events, or chance occurrences. However, unlike (さい), (さい)して is a combination of に, and the て-form of (さい)する, which is a verb that usually has the meaning of 'to come to pass'.
Despite the more literal translation of 'when (A) comes to pass', (さい)して will often just be interpreted as 'on the occasion of (A)', or 'at the time of (A)'. This is a formal grammar pattern that is seen connected either to nouns, or verbs in their dictionary form.
  • (あたら)しいプロジェクトを(はじ)める(さい)して(あたら)しいグループリーダーを()めた。
    On the occasion of starting a new project, we chose a new leader.
  • クレジットカードを(もう)()(さい)して運転(うんてん)免許証(めんきょしょう)必要(ひつよう)です。
    On the occasion of signing up for a credit card, you will need your driver's license.
  • 引越(ひっこ)(さい)して、いらなくなった家具(かぐ)全部(ざんぶ)()てた。
    At the time of my move, I threw out all the furniture I don't use anymore.
Caution - While there are many similarities between (さい) and (さい)して, a few key differences exist. The first being that (さい)して is primarily used when (B) is something that will be done before (A), or when presented with the situation of (A). However, in the case of (さい), the nuance is more specifically 'on the occasion of (A)', marking the exact point in time, rather than the approach to that time.
  • 面接(めんせつ)でくる(さい)して印鑑(いんかん)運転(うんてん)免許証(めんきょしょう)をお()ちください。
    Please bring your stamp and driver's license at the time of your interview.
  • 面接(めんせつ)でくる(さい)印鑑(いんかん)運転(うんてん)免許証(めんきょしょう)をお()ちください。
    When you come to your interview, please bring your stamp and driver's license.
Following on from this example, because (さい)して highlights the approach to a specific situation, it will never appear connected to verbs in the past tense. (さい), on the other hand, frequently appears with verbs in the past tense, as it can highlight the 'occasion' of an action being complete.
  • ホームページから登録(とうろく)された(さい)して確認(かくにん)のためこちらからメールを送信(そうしん)することがあります。
    On the occasion where you have registered using our website, we may send you an email for confirmation. (Unnatural Japanese)
  • ホームページから登録(とうろく)された(さい)は、確認(かくにん)のためこちらからメールを送信(そうしん)することがあります。
    On the occasion where you have registered using our website, we may send you an email for confirmation. (Natural Japanese)


  • このたび(はじ)めて(ほん)出版(しゅっぱん)(さい)して家族(かぞく)友人(ゆうじん)感謝(かんしゃ)(もう)()げたいと(おも)います。

    On the occasion of publishing my first book, I would like to thank my family and my friends.

  • 受験(じゅけん)(さい)して注意(ちゅうい)事項(じこう)」をよくお()みください。

    Please, read the 'points to keep in mind at the time of the exam' carefully.

  • ローレンス(さま)とのご契約(けいやく)(さい)しまして当方(とうほう)契約書(けいやくしょ)(あやま)りがございましたことをお()(もう)()げます。

    Mr. Lawrence, at the time of setting up a contract with you, there were errors in the agreement on our side and I would like to sincerely apologize.

  • 独立(どくりつ)する(さい)して先輩(せんぱい)のご意見(いけん)をいただけませんか?

    May I get your (senpai's) opinion at the time of becoming independent?

  • アンテナの()()(さい)して注意(ちゅうい)事項(じこう)をお(つた)えいたします。

    I will disclose the important points at the time of the installation of the antennae.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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