
N2 レッスン 6: 17/20

Classical negative, Classical verb [ない]

Some set phrases cannot be rephrased to ない


Verb[ない+ + Noun

する → せ
くる → こ
いる → おら


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is the attributive form of ず, a classical auxiliary verb that is used for negation like ない, and connects to verbs in the same way.
As is the attributive form of ず, it may be seen modifying nouns that directly follow it. However, this use is not common in modern times, and in many cases it will be used as part of set expressions that have not changed in the time since ない became the far more widely used structure for negation. Alternatively, it may just be used for artistic expression, or to make a character seem 'classical'.
  • こんなに(せま)(みち)(とお)
    I cannot pass a road this narrow.
  • なんだこの(めし)は!こんなまずそうなものは(くち)()
    What is this food? I will not put this disgusting thing in my mouth!
  • 貴様(きさま)みたいなものには、わしなど(ころ)
    I cannot be killed by someone like you.
In the case that the verb being negated is いる, the old fashion おる will be modified to おらぬ instead.
  • 鈴木(すずき)殿(どの)はここにはおらぬ
    Suzuki-dono is not here.
Alternatively, する will be negated as せぬ, and くる will be negated as こぬ. This is consistent with the standard conjugation patterns seen with the use of ず.
  • あの(かた)(ひと)(きず)つけるようなことはせぬ
    That person would never do anything to hurt anyone.
  • (ばあ)さんが(かわ)から(かえ)ってこぬ
    My wife won't come back from the river.




    'A person who (can't be placed) in a corner' means 'a person who cannot be taken lightly'.


    Sex discrimination is not permitted here.


    'Fool, no man can kill me.'


    Needless to say, pretending not to know acquaintances is rude.


    A superior should tell his/her subordinates where they fall short so that they can improve.

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      最近の返信 (合計5件)

      • s1212z


        There are ~12 V-ず grammar points right now and most are adverbial v-ずに while ぬ is a modifier as an archaic ない. I didn’t see anything that was interchangeable between these two, was there a specific usage that hasn’t been covered yet for ず?

      • Ambo100


        ずに looks like the most relevant one I think, I’ll have a look at that.

      • airbus29


        it would be cool if in the description for this grammar point, it clarified that the いる→おらぬ for this conjugation also applied to verbs in their ている form (like されている → されておらぬ). its not just for いる by itself, although it may naturally be implied for a lot of people, i didn’t pick up on it from the written description lol

      「ぬ」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
