
N1 レッスン 7: 16/17


Like crazy, Keep doing (without a second thought), Nothing but, On and on, Do … all around, To do a lot of, One after another, All over, Keep, Everything, Constantly, All the time

まくる is also sometimes used as a noun, using Verb[ます]+ まくり + だ pattern


Verb[ます(*) + まくる
Verb[て]+ Verb[て]+ Verb[ます(*) + まくる

(*) Verb has to be volitional (can be controlled by the will of a doer)


  • 使用域



まくる is a verb that will be attached to the conjunctive form of other verbs in order to show that (A) is being done over and over, a lot, or with a great amount of vigor. It comes from the verb う-Verb (まく)る 'to roll', or 'to turn', so means 'to do (A) around and again'. Common translations include 'to (A) like crazy', 'to do nothing but (A)', and 'to constantly do (A)'.

As mentioned, this structure will attach to the conjunctive form of other verbs.

This structure may be used both in positive or negative contexts, and it is quite common for the nuance of まくる to indicate that (A) is being done recklessly, or with abandon. This implies that the speaker isn't thinking about the consequences of doing (A) repeatedly, if any may exist.


The (A) verb must be something that is volitional, meaning that the speaker must have control over it and its repetition.

  • しゃっくりが()まくりすぎて(くる)しい。
    I am having a hard time breathing because I am hiccuping like crazy. (Unnatural Japanese)




    Hayase and Naoto danced like crazy.


    'I've been eating chocolate like crazy lately, so I've gained some weight.'


    Uzaki: 'Do you have plans for the golden week? '
    Sakurai: 'It's a rare opportunity, so I want to play games every day like crazy, from dusk till dawn.'


    'I heard that Masaharu-san bought a new car and has been driving it all the time, every single day.'


    'Yoshiko loves to talk. She talks nonstop, like crazy so I can't stand her.'

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。






最近の返信 (合計3件)

  • Redglare


    I was scratching my head over what this was supposed to mean, but I think I found the answer. Seems like I wasn’t the only one confused about “volitional verbs”.

  • mrnoone


    Hey @Redglare

    I have modified the structure a bit, what do you think?


    ps Cute avatar

  • Redglare


    Hi! Looks good to me, now it is clearer what volitional means. Thank you!

「まくる」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
