
N2 レッスン 1: 1/23

()Is able to, Can, Possible


Verb[stem]+ える(1)

Verb[stem]+ ない(*)
Verb[stem]+ (*)
Verb[stem]+ なかった(*)

(1) うる
(*) For negative, past and negative past forms, only conjugations of える are used


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() is a る-Verb that has the meaning of 'to gain', or 'to acquire'. When attached to the conjunctive form of verbs, it takes on the nuance of 'for (A) to be possible', or 'to be able to (A)'.

Compared to できる, meaning that the potential to do something exists. () means something closer to 'there is a possibility that (A) can be done', or 'the possibility to do (A) has been gained'.


() may be seen as either える or うる. The primary difference between the two being that うる is a relatively old form that is often seen in literature, and spoken far less frequently than える. Despite this, there is a tendency for うる to be the preferred spoken choice when the kana that appears before it is え, such as (おし)える becoming (おし)うる, rather than (おし)える.

  • そういう(こと)はセクハラにもなりえるので、そういう(こと)はやらない(ほう)がいい。
    Things like that can be considered as sexual harassment, so you shouldn't do that.
  • (かんが)うる(こと)は、すべてこの企画書(きかくしょ)()いておきました!
    I wrote everything I can think of on this proposal!

Fun Fact

() is far more formal/bookish than できる. However, there are several set phrases that are very common in daily speech that use this particular grammar point, such as あり() 'possible', and あり()ない 'impossible'.

  • うん、それもあり()ね...
    Yeah, that is also a possibility...
  • 電気代(でんきだい)がまた値上(ねあ)がりするみたいだよ。マジあり()ない
    It looks like the electricity bill is going to go up again. There's no way.




    That can be possible!


    It is possible to consider that countermeasure.


    Disaster can occur at anytime. (there is a possibility that it can occur)


    A strike can be avoided depending on how it is dealt with.


    People who own arable land can plant rice. (can be farmed)

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最近の返信 (合計4件)

  • DarkConfidant


    if a verb stem ends with え is it more likely to be うる or am I reading too much into the examples?

  • gyroninja


    I think you are reading too much into it (though maybe don’t fully trust me since I’m making an informed guess). うる is the classical Japanese reading of 得る so it will be more rare to show up and likely has some set phrases where it appears.

  • simias


    It may have changed since you commented this but now the entry for 得る does mention:

    Despite this, there is a tendency for うる to be the preferred spoken choice when the kana that appears before it is え

「得る・得る」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
