
N2 レッスン 8: 4/22

(おそ)れがあるThere is a risk or fear that, Be in danger of, Possibility of


Verb[る](1) + (おそ)がある
[い]Adjective + (おそ)がある
[な]Adjective + (2) + (おそ)がある
Noun + (2) + (おそ)がある

(1) Verb[ない]
(2) である


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(おそ)れがある is a set phrase in Japanese that is used in a fairly literal sense to convey that 'there is a chance of (A)', or 'there is a fear of (A)'. This is a combination of the noun, (おそ)れ 'fear', が, and the う-Verb ある 'to be'. (おそ)れがある will be used when (A) is a negative outcome that may potentially occur in some particular situation, and is usually used to warn about being careful of something.

(おそ)れ is primarily used directly after verbs, or nouns followed by の.

In most cases, (おそ)れ carries the meaning of something that innately carries some kind of concern in relation to it, so depending on the context, alternative suitable translations could be 'concern', 'anxiety', 'worry', etc.


In addition to がある following (おそ)れ, other common combinations are (おそ)れを(いだ) 'to carry the fear of (A)', or 'to bear the fear of (A)', and (おそ)れが(つよ)まる 'for the fear of (A) to strengthen', or 'for the fear of (A) to intensify'.

  • 若者(わかもの)将来(しょうらい)について(おそ)れを(いだ)ことは普通(ふつう)のことです。
    It is normal for young people to have fears about the future.
  • 夏場(なつば)現場(げんば)では熱中症(ねっちゅうしょう)(おそ)れが(つよ)まるので、作業員(さぎょういん)(かた)はこまめに水分補給(すいぶんほきゅう)休憩(きゅうけい)()るようにしてください。
    Workers are encouraged to hydrate and take frequent breaks, as the risk of heat stroke increases at construction sites during summer.




    If you bow too much, there is a risk of hurting your back.


    Even if I am taught (it), there is a risk of forgetting (it), so I will take notes.


    Since there is fear that this oil may be taxing on the engine, it would be better to not use it.


    If I am asked that way for seconds, there is a risk that there won't be enough food.


    There is a risk that the contents of these paints will leak, so please place them in a bag.

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      最近の返信 (合計6件)

      • Fuga


        Although the original meaning of 恐らく had this nuance of ‘undesirable’, in modern Japanese, it does not carry this negative nuance. It is used just like how たぶん and ‘probably’ is used!

      • JohnDoe1


        Thanks a lot. I get it now

      • casual


        Confused by 行ったのは and its translation as “if you go” in this example sentence:

        It is alright if you go on the trip, but there is the possibility of a sudden change in weather that would not let you return (home).

        Is the situation that the listener is already on the trip?
        Is the situation that the listener is considering going on the trip in the near future?

        In Japanese, I’d expect nominalized past tense to refer to past events (except one specific expression たほうがいい (JLPT N5) | Bunpro ). So that would put the listener already on the trip.
        In English, I’d first of all interpret this as a discussion about going or not going to a planned trip, but maybe it is also meant as talking about the past here.

      「恐れがある」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
