
N2 レッスン 2: 24/24


Take care, Be careful, Pay attention, Make sure, Watch out

Often used with ないように


Noun + ()をつける
Verb[ない]+ ように()をつける


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Another of the large number of collocations in Japanese based on () 'attention', or 'focus', is ()()ける. This is just a combination of the noun (), を, and the る-Verb ()ける 'to adhere', or 'to attach'. ()()ける primarily follows (A) に. This marks (A) as something that the speaker is 'adhering' their attention to, and translates as 'to pay attention to (A)', 'to be careful of (A)', or 'to watch out for (A)'.
This grammar pattern is used after nouns or noun-like phrases, indicating the thing that is being warned about, or that the speaker themselves is being cautious of.
  • 最近(さいきん)電車(でんしゃ)痴漢(ちかん)沢山(たくさん)いるらしいから(あや)しい(ひと)()をつけ(かえ)ってくるんだよ。
    I hear there are a lot of perverts on the trains these days, so watch out for suspicious people on your way back home.
  • (くるま)歩道(ほどう)横切(よこぎ)(とき)には歩行者(ほこうしゃ)()()けましょう
    Be careful of pedestrians when you drive through a sidewalk.
Most often, ()()ける will be used to warn about possible errors that could be made, mistakes, or simply the loss of focus. Due to this, it frequently follows negative verbs as ないよう, highlighting that something should be done in a 'manner' that doesn't result in (A).
  • このギターは(おれ)(ねえ)ちゃんのやつだから(こわ)さないよう()()てね。
    This guitar belongs to my sister, so please be careful not to break it.
  • 今月(こんげつ)はお(かね)無駄(むだ)(づか)いしないよう()()よう。
    This month, I will be careful not to waste money.


  • (こおり)(すべ)りやすいから、(あし)もと()をつけて

    The ice is slippery, so please watch your step.

  • 妊娠(にんしん)(ちゅう)女性(じょせい)は、健康(けんこう)()をつけるべきだ。

    Pregnant women should be careful of their health.

  • 階段(かいだん)(きゅう)なので、()ないよう()をつけなさい

    Since the stairs are steep, take care not to fall.

  • (はは):「パソコン(となり)食事(しょくじ)する(とき)は、(みず)(こぼ)ないよう()をつけて。」

    Mother: 'When you are eating next to the computer, take care not to spill water on it.'

  • (とお)りを横切(よこぎ)(とき)には、(くるま)()をつけて

    When you are crossing the street, watch out for cars.

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最近の返信 (合計1件)

  • ezhmd


    I think this one should be correct or at least warned.

「に気をつける」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
