
N3 レッスン 9: 12/22

()む ①

To go into, To put into


Verb[ます + ()


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「込む ①」の情報

In Japanese, the う - Verb () 'to jam into' is frequently used as a suffix to convey several different meanings. The primary meanings are as follows:
(A) () - To enter completely into doing (A), or the state of being in (A).
(A) () - To enter a state of doing (A) that will not be considered complete until 'success'.
(A) () - To enter a state of doing (A) that cannot be escaped from.
In this lesson, we will exclusively focus on the first meaning, which is usually translated as 'to put into (A)', or 'to go into (A)'. This form will be attached to the conjunctive form of other verbs.
  • ピン(かべ)()()
    To push a pin into a wall.
  • (くすり)()()苦手(にがて)です
    I am not the best at drinking down medicine. (I am not the best at swallowing medicine)
  • 電車(でんしゃ)ドア()まる(まえ)電車(でんしゃ)(はし)()
    Before the train door closed, I ran in.
  • サウナから()て、水風呂(みずぶろ)()()ように(はい)った。
    I came out of the sauna and went into the water bath as if I was leaping into it.
Despite the multiple meanings, () can almost always be thought of as 'jamming (B) into (A)'. This means that whatever the (A) action is, will be something that is not easily entered, but also not easily escaped from.


  • ライトノベル、クラスメートとの話:「ドラゴンをクラス()()のはルール違反(いはん)じゃないか?」

    Light novel, chat between classmates : 'Taking a dragon into class, isn't that breaking the rules?'

  • 行列(ぎょうれつ):「((れつ)に)()()なんて、図々(ずうずう)しいですよ!」

    In the queue: 'Cutting into (the line), how impudent!'

  • ライトノベル、勇者(ゆうしゃ)たちの会話(かいわ):「一人(ひとり)魔王(まおう)(しろ)()()おつもりですか?おやめ(くだ)さい!」

    Light novel, chat between heroes: 'Do you plan to march into the demon king's castle alone? Please, stop!'

    When used with verbs that already mean getting into something, it adds more emphasis. Often adds a negative, dynamic or violent nuance, like in this case: 'going into a perilous place'. おつもり is an older and more formal expression.

  • ライトノベル、ナレーター:「コタカが突然(とつぜん)部室(ぶしつ)(はし)()んで()て、彼女(かのじょ)(となり)(せき)()った。」

    Light novel, the narrator: 'Kotaka has suddenly run into the club room, and taken a seat next to her.'

    走り込む means both 'to run into', or 'to run thoroughly', so words like 来る can be added to allude to the intended meaning

  • 教師(きょうし):「教科書(きょうかしょ)(こた)()()んでください。」

    Teacher: 'Please fill in your textbooks with answers.'

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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    • Tobira

      Page 284

  • リソースを追跡する!


「込む ①」に関する文法ディスカッション

最近の返信 (合計2件)

  • Johnathan-Weir


    This may a good addition for the readings:

  • Daru


    Added it! Thank you for the suggestion!

「込む ①」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
