
N3 レッスン 9: 11/22


Freshly ~ed, Just ~ed


Verb[ます+ たて
Verb[ます+ たて + + Noun


  • 使用域


  • 使用域



たて, coming from the verb ()てる 'to stand' is a suffix in Japanese that is often used after the conjunctive form of verbs. たて conveys that something has 'just been finished', or is 'freshly finished'.
As a suffix, たて transforms verbs into nouns. This means that they may be followed by a (B) phrase, or followed directly by the case marking particle の and a noun.
  • ここにある全部(ぜんぶ)()たてですよ。
    Everything here is freshly fried.
  • ()たてから新鮮(しんせん)よ!
    It is just fished up, so it is fresh!
  • (わたし)出来(でき)()パン()べるのが大好(だいす)です
    I like to eat freshly baked bread.
  • ()まれたて(あか)ちゃんっておさるさんみたいじゃない?
    Don't newborn babies look like monkeys?
Fun Fact
たて is a suffix that is used to convey the moment in time directly after something has been finished, rather than the fact that it 'is' finished. Due to this, たて is most frequently used with verbs that indicate some sense of time based importance, where (A) will degrade in quality over time after completion.
  • ()()野菜(やさい)(つく)るサラダは美味(おい)しい。
    Making salad with freshly picked vegetables is delicious.
  • この(くつ)()たてから(かわ)かすのに(すこ)時間(じかん)かかる(おも)
    These shoes got freshly wet, so it will take some time to dry.


  • ()たて(さかな)()べるのは最高(さいこう)

    Eating freshly caught fish is the best!

  • このベンチはペン()たてのため、()()けてください。

    This bench has been freshly painted, so please be careful.

  • この(さかな)()たてです。

    This fish has been freshly cooked.

  • できたて菓子(かし)()べたのは(はじ)めてだ。

    It's my first time eating freshly made sweets.

  • この農場(のうじょう)毎日(まいにち)()たて(たまご)出荷(しゅっか)する

    This farm is shipping freshly laid eggs every day.

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最近の返信 (合計3件)

  • fjdksleiwoqp


    Saw this sample sentence for another point:


    Would it be natural to rephrase with 炊きたて?


  • Daru


    Nuance would be a tad different, 炊き上がった has the ‘made to completion’ nuance, so it feels more intentional as if you cooked it or as if it was cooked for you, whereas 炊きたて simply states that it’s freshly made as if you’ve had bought it at a store.

    But for practical matters, it seems a pretty natural replacement!

  • fjdksleiwoqp


    Gotcha, thanks for the clarification on nuance! This is the kind of stuff I can’t learn anywhere else

「たて」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
