
N4 レッスン 4: 1/18


Might, Maybe, Probably

Colloquial: かも or かもしらん, Polite: かもしれません


Verb + かもしれない
[い]Adjective + かもしれない
[な]Adjective + かもしれない
Noun + かもしれない


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かもしれない is an expression in Japanese that is often treated as a single word, but is actually the combination of the particle かも, and the potential form of the う-Verb ()る (to know) with the auxiliary verb ない attached. かもしれない is regularly translated simply as 'might', or 'maybe', but the literal translation is much closer to 'even (A), we cannot know'.
To use かもしれない, attach it to the end of any verb, noun, な-Adjective or い-Adjective, in their non-polite (keigo) forms.
  • 来年(らいねん)から観光客(かんこうきゃく)()かもしれない
    From next year, the number of tourists might increase.
  • あの建物(たてもの)教会(きょうかい)かもしれない
    That building might be a church.
  • 今日(きょう)無理(むり)かもしれない
    It might not be possible today.
  • そこ(いけ)(ふか)かもしれないから()()
    That lake over there might be deep, so please be careful.
As the う-Verb ()る is part of this construction, it may also be altered to its polite-potential form, creating かもしれません.
  • 明日(あした)(やす)かもしれません
    I might take the day off tomorrow.
Due to かもしれない being such a common grammar pattern in daily speech for expressing uncertainty about various things, several colloquial forms also exist. These are かも, かもしらん, and かもしれん.
  • 明日(あした)(やす)だからドライブするかも
    I have a day off tomorrow, so I might go for a drive.
  • 財布(さいふ)(いえ)(わす)てきかもしらん
    I might have left my wallet at home.
  • 明日(あした)(よる)(おそ)まで仕事(しごと)があるから()ないかもしれん
    I have to work late tomorrow night, so I probably won’t go.
かも is by far the most common of these colloquial forms, with かもしらん potentially sounding a little bit rough/boyish.




    I might go to America next year.


    If I buy these nice clothes, then I might become popular.


    It is maybe better to not say such things.


    That might be right.


    He might go to Japan without researching anything.

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      最近の返信 (合計8件)

      • Superpnut


        I recently got a review on this and received an useless hint.

        Question was そのことを言わないほうがいい — to which I put in から
        The blue hint text was : Maybe

        I received this:

        maybe846×326 14...
      • wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV


        I have a feeling that nuance hint is shown for any example sentence of this grammar point. It’s an unfortunate incongruity in this case. かな can in fact mean “maybe,” but usually in the context of thinking to oneself. For instance,


        Maybe I’ll eat pizza for dinner; or, I think I’ll eat pizza for dinner

        かな and かもしれない aren’t synonymous, though. かな expresses doubt, reflection, or wishful thinking. かもしれない expresses the potential for something being or not being a certain way. Also, I don’t think you would generally use かな when making a suggestion to another.

        But your point about the nuance note is cogent. I suggest using the Report button in the lower right-hand corner (it shows up when you get the answer wrong) whenever you find things like this to help draw awareness to the issue so the staff can correct it.

      • X11


        the literal translation is much closer to ‘even (A), we cannot know’. should it not be "perhaps it’s not able to be known as かも means perhaps? "

      「かもしれない」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
