
N3 レッスン 10: 7/20


Apt to do, Tend to do, Prone to do


Verb[ます+ がち
Noun + がち
Noun (1) + がち + (2) + Noun

(1) Verb[ます


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がち is a suffix in Japanese that will be used after nouns, or the conjunctive form of verbs. It conveys that someone is 'apt to (A)', 'tends to (A)', or 'is prone to (A)'. Although not always negative, がち is most frequently used to express negative tendencies.
  • ここ()いつもパフェ(たの)がちだけど今日(きょう)はパンケーキ(たの)む。
    When I come here I always tend to order parfait, but today I am getting a pancake.
  • うち()病気(びょうき)がちので(しゅう)()(さん)(にち)ぐらいは学校(がっこう)(やす)みます。
    My son tends to get sick a lot, so he will take 2 to 3 days off of school.
  • サボりがち(ひと)だいたい成績(せいせき)(わる)い。
    People who tend to skip school usually have bad grades.
Fun Fact
がち as a grammar structure comes from the word ()ち, meaning 'a win'. ()ち in itself is used to express something that appears 'repeatedly', or 'again and again'. Due to this, がち may be thought of as similar to 'to win out' in English, meaning that 'although there are many possibilities, (A) winning out is the most likely'. This 'winning out' may be due to preference, or sheer good/bad luck.
  • (ひま)ときはテレビ()がちだけど(いそが)しい(とき)全然(ぜんぜん)()ない
    Watching TV wins out when I am bored, but when I am busy I don't watch it at all.
  • (おれ)(まわ)()たりがちから(おれ)やらせてみろ。
    Hitting the jackpot wins out when I spin it, so why don't you let me do it.
  • ()ないことはありがちから()()なくてもいいよ。そういう()もある
    Times that you cannot catch anything often win out, so don't be so upset. It happens.




    My boy is apt to get sick.


    I went to the house of the student who tends to skip school, and brought him back.


    That person is prone to quickly give up on losing weight.


    If you are always riding around in a car, you tend to not get enough exercise.


    I am prone to be considered energetic, but I actually have a delicate constitution.

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      最近の返信 (合計3件)

      • MZa


        I’ve found this can be written 勝ち (very useful to retain this imho). Is it often written in kanji?

        Due to the kanji meaning ‘victory, prevail’ and the point being used for negative tendencies, i guess this implies that this point literally means something like ‘the negative tendencies win, prevail’, but how do we have to understand it syntactically (is it the stem of 勝つ used as a noun ?)?

      • Pep95


        Oh nice! This will help a lot

      • Daru


        That is exactly right! I didn’t know this myself, thank you for pointing it out!

      「がち」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
