
N4 レッスン 3: 6/18

Converting adjectives to nouns


[な]Adjective +


  • 使用域



is a suffix in Japanese that can be attached to the stem form of い-Adjectives and な-Adjectives. When this happens, it transforms the target adjective into a noun that illustrates the 'amount' of that particular adjective. This commonly translates as '-ness' in English (sweetness, tallness, spiciness, etc), but is referred to as degree in Japanese.

Fun Fact

It is thought that this suffix originally stemmed from the kanji () (meaning 'distinction'), and was used for highlighting things that were distinctive features of something. In this way, is also sometimes used after the dictionary form of verbs, to highlight a distinct point in time that something happens.

  • 学校(がっこう)からの(かえ)にお(かね)(ひろ)
    On the way back from school, I picked up some money. (At the 'point' of returning home)
  • ()(いえ)(わす)(もの)こと(おも)()
    When I was on my way there, I remembered that I had left something at home. (At the 'point' of going somewhere)

However, this use of the suffix is far less common in modern Japanese, and is known as 'poetic language'. It was primarily used during Japan's 'middle ages', which spanned from (around) 1100, until close to the end of the 1500's.




    This beauty is a first for me.


    His energy is like that of a child.


    This sweetness is delicious.


    Please weigh the heaviness of the box for me?


    Just by this coldness you will die.

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      最近の返信 (合計7件)

      • adrianh


        Can someone elaborate on the Fun Fact of this entry?

        I cannot find anything about it, is not even finished:

        However, this use of the suffix is far less common in modern Japanese, and is known as ’

      • Fuga


        Hey there @adrianh !

        It mentions the old use here.

        When you say it is not finished, do you mean that nothing is displayed after ‘…and is know as…’? It is supposed to say 'However, this use of the suffix is far less common in modern Japanese, and is known as ‘poetic language’. It was primarily used during Japan’s ‘middle ages’, which spanned from (around) 1100, until close to the end of the 1500’s. ’

      • adrianh


        Thank you so much @Fuga !

        Yeah, I was referring to the sentence finishing at "also is known as ’ ", but it has been corrected

      「さ」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
