
N3 レッスン 8: 18/23


Already, Too late


すでに + Phrase


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As a formal alternative to もう, the adverb (すで)に is used in Japanese as 'already'. Usually, (すで)に will come at the beginning of a phrase that it is clarifying as being 'already (A)'.
  • ()すでにわいている
    The hot water is already boiled.
  • すでに支払(しはら)()です
    It has already been paid for.
すでに has several nuances in Japanese beyond just 'already', let's take a look at a few of these possibilities:
のこらず - Nothing remaining.
あまねく - All around.
ことごとく - Altogether.
もはや - Already.
まぎれもなく - Beyond doubt.
These may all seem quite different, but together they show the full meaning of (すで)に very clearly. That meaning is 'to be completely unchanging'. Let's take a look at how すでに can be used with each of these nuances.
  • もうすでにチケットは()()です
    The tickets are already sold out. (Nothing remains)
  • (かれ)すでに国民(こくみん)から名前(なまえ)(わす)れられている
    His name has already been forgotten by the citizens. (Universal opinion)
  • (かれ)すでにみんな仲良(なかよ)くなっていた
    He was already becoming friends with absolutely everyone. (Altogether)
  • さっき()たばかりのに、もうすでに(なか)()てきた
    I just ate earlier, but I am already starting to get hungry.
  • これすでに()まった(こと)のでもう私達(わたしたち)じゃ(なに)もできません
    It is beyond doubt that this has been decided, so we can't do anything about it. (Beyond doubt)
Due to (すで)に implying something absolutely cannot be changed, it is often used to imply that something is 'too late', and that nothing else can be done about it.
  • 電車(でんしゃ)すでに出発(しゅっぱつ)しました。
    The train has left already. (And there is nothing we can do about it)




    You may already know, but please listen once more just to be sure.


    I thought I was the first to arrive, but there was already someone there before me.


    You are already too late.


    I have already paid the telephone bill.


    The freshly baked bread was already sold out when I was about to buy it.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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      最近の返信 (合計5件)

      • MZa


        Here and elsewhere the translation of 既に is almost always ‘already’ even when ‘too late’ could be meaningful. Is it due to the way how this word is really understood and used by Japanese? Is there another word to say ‘too late’ without ambiguity?

      • Daru


        The basic meaning is always ‘implying something absolutely cannot be changed’. So rather than losing one of the meanings, its really the same one being changed around to better fit a translation.

        Hope this helps!

      • Sidgr


        Does anyone have an intuition on the difference in nuance between:

        • もうすでに
        • すでに

        In general I have always thought of 既に to be a direct formality increase, but this suggests otherwise.

      「すでに」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
