
N2 レッスン 1: 5/23

つもりでWith the intention of doing, Instead of..., Act as if or pretend, Believing that..., Thinking that...


Verb + つもり
[な]Adjective + + つもり
Noun + + つもり

Act as if・pretend・be convinced:
Verb[た]+ つもり


  • 使用域


  • あまり見かけない漢字



つもりで, being a combination of the noun つもり 'intention', and the case marking particleで 'with', this structure is used in several different ways, depending on what comes before it. When combined with verbs, な-Adjectives or nouns in their plain forms, it implies that (B) is being done with the intention of (A).

As つもり is a noun, の will be required before it when grouped with other nouns, while な will be required when linked to な-Adjectives.

However, when paired with verbs in the past form, つもりで implies that the speaker is 'acting as though (A)', 'pretending that (A)', or 'is convinced that (A)'.

This meaning simply comes from the intention of something being contrary to what is actually true.




    Despite going with the intention of treating everyone, they treated me.


    I wrote with the intention of publishing a book, but this will surely be rejected.


    I bought it with the intention of giving it as a gift, but I ended up eating it.


    I ride the train every day acting like/pretending I have become a conductor.


    I am studying Japanese as if I went to Japan.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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      • リソースを追跡する!



      最近の返信 (合計10件)

      • EdBunpro


        Would someone be able to explain the difference of つもりで & ふりをする when looking at the context of “act/pretend”?

        Specificially under the example sentence


        Entering in ふりをして brings up the hint saying “Nice guess! Can you use a grammar point that also carries the meaning of “with the intention of.”” The hint makes sense when the context of act/pretend isn’t being used, but otherwise I’m just left a little lost. Maybe it’s example sentence throwing me off, but hopefully someone smarter than me can help point me in the right direction!

        @Fuga if you have some time can you shed some light on this?

      • Fuga


        つもりで and ふりをする both mean pretend, but with a slight difference in nuance. In the sentence, 車掌しゃしょうになったつもりで, つもりで has the nuance of ‘as if I am the conductor of the train’. When I read this, I imagine that the speaker is thinking in his head that he is the conductor when he rides the train. When つもりで is replaced with ふりをして, this sentence would have the nuance that the person is ‘impersonating’ as a conductor, as in, he is dressed like a conductor and imitates what the conductor does.

        I hope that helps you understand the difference a little better.

      • EdBunpro


        Aaaaaa yes 100% that makes sense, thanks!!

      「つもりで」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
