
N4 レッスン 4: 7/18


I hope, I wish, You should, It would be good


Verb + + いい
[い]Adjective + + いい
[な]Adjective + + + いい
Noun + + と + いい

Wishing for others:
(Desired Outcome) Phrase + いい +

Wishing for oneself:
(Desired Outcome) Phrase + いい + なぁ
(Desired Outcome) Phrase + いい+んだ(1) + けど(2)

(1) のだ
(2) けれどけどもけれども


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One of the regular uses of the particle is to express 'if'. However, unlike some other structures (like なら, たら, and ), implies that the 'if' result of is something that will definitely happen, or is a natural consequence of (A) happening. When combined with the い-Adjective いい, it means 'if (A), it would be good'.
This construction may be used with any phrase ending in a word in its standard form.
  • 明日(あした)学校(がっこう)()たくないな~、(ゆき)()といいな。
    I don't want to go to school tomorrow. It would be great if it snows.
  • 今夜(こんや)パーティー(たの)といい
    I hope your party tonight is fun! (Hoping for someone else's sake)
  • 先輩(せんぱい)()っていること本当(ほんとう)といい
    If what senpai is saying is true, it would be good!
  • 今夜(こんや)夕食(ゆうしょく)(さかな)といいな~」と(おとうと)()っていました。
    My little brother was saying 'I hope dinner tonight is fish'.
Because expresses a 'certain' outcome, the 'good' in this grammar construction often sounds quite strong, leading to といい regularly being translated closer to 'I hope (A)', or 'I wish (A)'.
There are several situations in which this grammar point can be used to express that you are hoping something for yourself, or hoping something for someone else. This is primarily determined by the use of な, or だけど (hoping for yourself), or (hoping for others/mutual benefit).
  • 明日(あした)()れるといいな。
    I hope it clears up tomorrow. (Hoping for your own benefit)
  • 明日(あした)試合(しあい)()といいだけど相手(あいて)(つよ)から自信(じしん)がない
    I hope to win the tournament tomorrow, but since my opponent is formidable, I am not confident. (Hoping for your own benefit)
  • 来週(らいしゅう)彼氏(かれし)()といい
    I hope your boyfriend comes next week. (Hoping for another's benefit)
When this expression finishes with けど, けれども, or , it can imply that there are some external factors that will make the desired result difficult to achieve.
  • 明日(あした)(あさ)荷物(にもつ)(とど)といいだけど。(今夜(こんや)から(ゆき)()から配達(はいたつ)大変(たいへん)そう)
    I hope my package arrives tomorrow morning. (However, it is going to start snowing tonight, so delivery seems like an issue)
  • (たから)くじに()たるといいんだが。(一枚(いちまい)しか()っていないから()たらないと(おも)う)
    I hope I win the lottery. (But since I only bought one ticket, I don't think I will)




    I hope that you can win the game.


    You should eat more fruit.


    I hope it is fun.


    Since we are going hiking tomorrow, I hope it is clear.


    I have been busy lately, so I hope I have this weekend off.

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      最近の返信 (合計13件)

      • matt_in_mito


        You will often see a small ぁ at the end of a sentence like どうしようかなぁ - it gives the impression that the speaker is trailing off into thought.

      • natiiix


        I believe these small vowels at the end of a sentence are similar to using ~ or ー at the end of a sentence instead of a full stop. The sentence ends with a prolonged pronunciation of the last word, indicating an ongoing thought process or empathy of the writer/speaker.

        It’s kind of like phonetic spelling in English, where you intentionally mangle words to convey certain additional emotion in your writing.

      • MikkaT


        Hi, what does this part mean? it is not clickable and it is the only example which uses a な in both parts of the sentence.

        image838×137 16.6 KB

      「といい」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
