
N2 レッスン 7: 12/21


Judging from, Seeing that


Verb + ところ()


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ところを()ると is a set phrase in Japanese that highlights the situation or place of (A), before examining it subjectively. This often comes across simply as 'judging from (A)', or 'seeing that (A)'. Literally, it can be thought of as 'if looking at the aspect of (A)', before the speaker will then go on to state what their judgment is.
This grammar pattern will appear directly following verbs in any of their standard forms.
  • (かれ)がニコニコしているところを()ると、テストに合格(ごうかく)したに(ちが)いない。
    Seeing that he is smiling, I have no doubt that he passed the test.
  • 漢字(かんじ)綺麗(きれい)()けるところを()ると(かれ)(なが)(あいだ)漢字(かんじ)勉強(べんきょう)しているのかもしれない。
    Judging from the fact that he can write kanji very nicely, he probably has been studying kanji for a long time.
  • (おこ)られていてもずっと携帯(けいたい)()ているところを()ると(かれ)全然(ぜんぜん)反省(はんせい)していないんだろう。
    Seeing that he is looking at his phone despite being scolded, he probably doesn't feel any remorse.
Due to ところを()ると expressing primarily subjective opions based on single observable actions, the (B) part of sentences including this structure will often include things like だろう, かも, でしょう, ね, etc, in order to show that the speaker is not actually claiming anything factually.


  • 彼女(かのじょ)反論(はんろん)しないところを()(うそ)をついていると(わたし)確信(かくしん)した。

    Judging from the fact that she did not deny it, I am convinced that she is lying.

  • 英語(えいご)流暢(りゅうちょう)(はな)ところを()彼女(かのじょ)帰国(きこく)子女(しじょ)かもしれない。

    Judging from the fact that she speaks English fluently, she probably lived abroad when she was young.

  • (かれ)()()んでいるところを()恋人(こいびと)()られたのかもしれない。

    Judging from the fact that he is sullen, he was probably dumped by his lover.

  • 香水(こうすい)をつけているところを()、お出掛(でか)けですね?

    Seeing that you are wearing perfume, are you going out?

  • このタイミングで交替(こうたい)したところを()あのピッチャーは怪我(けが)をしたのかもしれない。

    Judging from the timing of the change, that pitcher was probably injured.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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最近の返信 (合計2件)

  • Whologist


    What is the difference between からすると and ところを見ると?

  • Fuga


    Hey @Whologist !

    The main difference between からすると and ところを見ると is that ところを見ると has the nuance that you are making a conclusion based on what you are seeing or are sure about, and it is used with verbs. Although からすると has a similar nuance, it has a stronger nuance that the speaker is making an assumption based on what the they heard, saw, or read, and it is used with nouns.

    We hope that answers your question!

「ところを見ると」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
