
N3 レッスン 5: 9/22


As (i.e. in the role of), For


Noun + として
Noun + として + Noun


  • 使用域


  • 使用域



When the case marking particle と is used to highlight a result, it regularly translates to 'as' in English. This nuance of 'as' simply assumes that (A) is a plain or unchanging fact from which something (usually an opinion or evaluation) is based. Combining this nuance of と with して (the conjugation form of する), として will present (A) as the base point from which (B) can be determined.
Despite being a combination of several individual parts, として is often considered to be a 副助詞(かくじょし) (adverbial particle) by itself, meaning that it will most often be seen connected directly to nouns.
  • ミキは友達(ともだち)として最高(さいこう)
    As a friend, Miki is awesome.
  • このゲーム()はDVDプレイヤーとして使()えます。
    You can use this game console as a DVD player.
As として works in the same way as a 副助詞(かくじょし), it may be connected directly to a second noun to express that (B) is something functioning as (A).
  • 動物(どうぶつ)(きず)つける(やつ)人間(にんげん)として失格(しっかく)
    People who hurt animals are a failure as humans.
  • これ会社(かいしゃ)として目標(もくひょう)です
    This is the goal as a company.
Fun Fact
This result use of と regularly appears when one particular aspect of something is being highlighted (while other aspects still exist). This simply means that nothing apart from (A) is being considered when expressing (B).
  • タナカさん友達(ともだち)としていい(ひと)なんだけど先輩(せんぱい)としてはよくない
    Tanaka-san is a nice person as a friend, but not as a senpai.




    We look up to him as our teacher.


    For (something that is considered to be) the most difficult aspect of Japanese, it is hard to find resources for grammar.


    As both a mother and as a wife, my wife is really a great person.


    I will accept that as a fact, but it hardly satisfies me emotionally.


    As a courtesy, greetings are important.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン



    • オフライン



      • リソースを追跡する!



      最近の返信 (合計4件)

      • Pushindawood


        @FredKore Hey! ところ is just functioning as a noun, meaning “place,” “area,” “facet,” or in this case, “aspect.” So, 難しいところ is just referring to grammar as a “difficult aspect (of Japanese).” Cheers!

      • Kenjugs


        This example gave me a question:

        The way this is translated makes this seem as though a だと could be used instead of として, based on the ~と考えられている and ~と言われている grammar points. Is that not the case for 知る?

      • mrnoone



        だと can also be used here, but として feels more natural.

        The difference is minimal, as in English:

        The castle Malbork is known as (in the role of, refers to the function) one of the biggest castles from the Middle Ages.
        The castle Malbork is known to be one of the biggest castles from the Middle Ages.

      「として」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
