
N3 レッスン 7: 12/21


Correspond to, Amounts to, Equals to, Is appropriate


Noun + ()たる
Noun + ()たる + Noun


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As mentioned in our ()たり lesson, ()たる often has a meaning that is similar to に(たい)して 'to be in regard to'. Due to this, when combined with the case marking particle , ()たる will be translated as 'to correspond to', 'to amount to', 'to be appropriate for', or 'to be in regard to'. These may seem quite different, but we will examine the similarities shortly.
To use ()たる, attach it to the end of an (A) noun that you would like to mark as being the 'point of reference'. (B) may come directly after ()たる, or earlier in the sentence, so long as it is clearly separated from (A).
  • 英語(えいご)「what's up」は日本語(にほんご)元気(げんき)()たる表現(ひょうげん)
    'What's up' in English corresponds to the expression 'genki' in Japanese.
  • その(ひと)(わたし)親戚(しんせき)()たる(ひと)です
    That person is my relative.
  • 先生(せんせい)はタナカ(くん)いとこ()たる
    The teacher is Tanaka-kun's cousin.
  • 今年(ことし)仕事(しごと)(はじ)てから5年目(ねんめ)()たる
    This year amounts to the 5th year since I've started working. (It's been 5 years since I've started this job)
As for the link between に(たい)して and ()たる, it is as follows. In に(たい)して, (A) and (B) exist simultaneously, but (B) opposes something about (A). ()たる, (A) and (B) exist simultaneously, but (B) matches something about (A). Due to this, unless the speaker is specifically trying to highlight something that is 'opposing', or 'matching', the base meaning of '(A) and (B) existing simultaneously' may be the standard translation.
  • ハクは納豆(なっとう)()べるのが()のに(たい)して、チヒロは納豆(なっとう)あまり()じゃない
    As opposed to Haku who likes eating natto, Chihiro does not like eating it as much.
  • 「Hello」は日本(にほん)「こんにちは」()たる言葉(ことば)です
    'Hello' corresponds to the Japanese word 'konnichiwa'.


  • ある漫画家(まんがか)によるとポーランド()の「 ザクシャ・イン・ラブ 」はおおよそ日本(にほん)の「(あい)永遠(えいえん)に」()たるらしい。

    According to a certain manga artist, the Polish 'Zawsze in love' is roughly equivalent to 'forever in love'.

  • 英語(えいご)には仕事(しごと)()えて(かえ)(とき)()「お(つか)(さま)でした。」()たる表現(ひょうげん)はない。

    In English, there is no expression corresponding to 'otsukaresamadeshita,' which is said when leaving to go home after finishing work.

  • 日本語(にほんご)能力(のうりょく)試験(しけん)(ちゅう)には「(よっ)つの言葉(ことば)選択肢(せんたくし)のうち、★の位置(いち)()たるものはどれですか」のような問題(もんだい)ある

    There are also questions on the JLPT like 'Among these four (word) choices, which one corresponds to the field with the ★?'.

  • 彼女(かのじょ)長男(ちょうなん)のリンゴパンはパムの(ちち)()たる

    Her eldest son, Ringopan, is the father of Pamu.

  • 江戸(えど)という都市(とし)現在(げんざい)東京(とうきょう)()たる

    The city called 'Edo' corresponds to present-day Tokyo.

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