
N3 レッスン 6: 14/24

()うまでもない ①

It goes without saying (that), (It is) needless to say, I don't need to remind you


Phrase + は + ()までもない

Verb + ということ(1) + ()までもない

[い]Adjective + ということ(1) + ()までもない

[な]Adjective + ということ(2) + ()までもない

Noun + + ()までもない

(1) ことという
(2) という、なこと、な


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「は言うまでもない ①」の情報

()うまでもない is a structure that combines the adverbial particle は, the う - Verb ()う, two (2) additional adverbial particles まで and も, and the い-Adjective ない. This is regularly translated as 'it goes without saying that (A)', or 'it is needless to say (A)', where (A) is whatever comes before は.
This expression may be preceded by almost any phrase, but is often emphasized even further by the inclusion of こと (or の), or ということ (or の).
  • (かれ)成績(せいせき)クラス一番(いちばん)なのは()うまでもない
    It goes without saying that his grades are the best in the whole class.
  • ガソリン値段(ねだん)()がれ電気(でんき)自動車(じどうしゃ)(かず)()えることは()うまでもない
    If the gas prices go up, it goes without saying that the amount of electric cars will increase.
  • 師匠(ししょう)(たたか)(かた)(すご)ということは()うまでもない
    It goes without saying how amazing the master's fighting style is.
  • 彼女(かのじょ)(うた)うの上手(うま)い。ピアノも()うまでもない
    She is very good at singing. Needless to say, the piano too.
Literally, this expression is a combination of the meanings of its individual parts.
は - Presents the topic.
()う - Presents that topic as something that can be said.
まで - Presents 'being said' as an extent.
も - Emphasizes the extent set by まで.
ない - Expresses that extent as not existing.
Fun Fact
This grammar pattern will often be followed by structures such as が, to add a 'but' nuance.
  • (かれ)日本語(にほんご)うまいのは()うまでもないが日本語(にほんご)上手(うま)日本(にほん)に30(ねん)()でいるからである
    It goes without saying that his Japanese is very good, but he is good at Japanese because he has been living in Japan for 30 years.
  • 一人(ひとり)(やま)(のぼ)(あぶ)ないというのは()うまでもないが()つけて()それほど(あぶ)なくはない
    It goes without saying that it is dangerous to climb a mountain on your own, but if you go cautiously, it is not that dangerous.




    It goes without saying that one should help people in need.


    It goes without saying that if you stop wasting electricity, the electricity bill will go down.


    It goes without saying that Tomo-chan's popularity in Osaka is high.


    It goes without saying that 'False love' is one of the best manga of this generation.


    It goes without saying that oxygen is essential to live.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン

      「は言うまでもない ①」に関するオンラインリソースはまだ登録されていません。


    • オフライン

        「は言うまでもない ①」に関するオフラインリソースはまだ登録されていません。


      • リソースを追跡する!


      「は言うまでもない ①」に関する文法ディスカッション

      最近の返信 (合計12件)

      • CrisH


      • nekoyama


        言わずもがな is a real expression that either means something does not have to be said (like 言うまでもない), or that something is better left unsaid.

        言う + negation ず + inclusive も + desire がな.

      • CrisH


        Thanks! Hadn’t come across がな before, and this phrase isn’t mentioned at all as part of the grammar point…

      「は言うまでもない ①」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
