
N4 レッスン 6: 1/16


In the event of, In the case of


Verb + 場合(ばあい)()
[い]Adjective + 場合(ばあい)()
[な]Adjective + + 場合(ばあい)()
Noun + + 場合(ばあい)()


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場合(ばあい) is a phrase in Japanese that is often translated to 'in the event of (A)', or 'in the case of (A)'. It can be used with almost any type of word, but will require な when following a な-Adjective, or when following a noun.
  • オートバイに()場合(ばあい)ヘルメットかぶってください
    In the event that you will ride a motorbike, please wear a helmet.
  • (せき)ひど場合(ばあい)マスクてください
    In the case that you have a bad cough, please wear a mask.
  • 仕事(しごと)大変(たいへん)場合(ばあい)(わたし)電話(でんわ)てください
    In the case that your work is difficult, call me.
  • (わたし)場合(ばあい)(ふゆ)()です
    In my case, I like winter. (Personally I like winter)
場合(ばあい) by itself is usually translated as 'case', or 'situation'. It is frequently used to highlight a hypothetical situation, or a viewpoint/characteristic of another person.
  • 浅草駅(あさくさえき)()場合(ばあい)どの電車(でんしゃ)()(ほう)がいいです
    If I were to go to Asakusa station, which train would be the best to take?
  • あなた場合(ばあい)こういう(とき)どうする?
    In a situation like this, what would you do?
When 場合(ばあい) is highlighting a viewpoint/characteristic of another person, this is almost always in contrast/comparison to something that is already being discussed. This is an example of the contrastive nuance of the particle.
In relation to a situation, because 場合(ばあい) means 'to encounter (A)', it has a nuance of randomness. Due to this, 場合(ばあい) will not be used to describe events that regularly occur, or events that can be planned/controlled.
  • 学校(がっこう)()場合(ばあい)(はや)()ます
    If I were to go to school, I would wake up early. (Unnatural Japanese, unless going to school is an unusual thing for this person)
  • 学校(がっこう)()とき(はや)()ます
    When I go to school, I wake up early. (Natural Japanese, if going to school is a regular thing for this person)
  • あしたパーティーに()場合(ばあい)ビール()()てください
    In the event that you will come to tomorrow's party, please bring some beer. (Focuses on the possibility of coming)
  • あしたパーティーに()ときにビール()()てください
    When you come to the party, bring some beer with you. (Focuses on the request)




    In the event that it is dangerous, please call me.


    In the case of my dog, he is like family.


    In the case that you are playing, don't do anything dangerous.


    You cannot buy this product in the event that it is out of stock.


    In the event of the mountain crumbling, please do not drive. (In the event of a landslide)

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      最近の返信 (合計11件)

      • Pep95


        image.png901×283 20.2 KB

      • Kamikazen


        I got the same response and had no idea what it meant. Even after reading this thread… it took me a while (and a incorrect answer) to figure it out. Haha

      • Bidjou34



        I am wondering what is the difference between using ばあいは and には to say “as for…”.


        Look like they have the same meaning to me.
        What do you think?

      「ばあいは」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
