
N3 レッスン 7: 4/21


Although, But, However, For all that, Provided that


Phrase (A)。もっとも + Phrase (B)。


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もっとも, sometimes also seen as (もっと)も, is a conjunction that is used to clarify when (A) is not the only important thing to be considered. This expression is usually translated as 'although'. However, 'for all that', or 'with that said' are also accurate translations, depending on the context. Let's look at a few examples.
  • (わたし)(いもうと)はピアノ()のがじょうずもっとも()ける一曲(いっきょく)だけ
    My sister is good at playing the piano. Although, she can only play one song.
  • (おれ)はすき()大好(だいす)もっとも毎日(まいにち)()べれる(わけ)では()い。
    I love sukiyaki. Although, it does not mean that I can eat it everyday.
Due to もっとも offering clarification about something, the (B) phrase will often end with が, けど, けれども, and other similar expressions.
When もっとも is used, the speaker is agreeing that (A) is true, but not the whole picture. As a noun itself, (もっと)も can be described as 道理に(かな)う, which means 'to stand to reason'. This nuance is kept, and may also be used as an accurate translation for もっとも as a conjunction.
  • (わたし)韓国(かんこく)についてものすごく(くわ)しいですもっとも韓国(かんこく)()った(こと)()けど
    I am very knowledgeable about Korea, although I have never been.
  • 今日(きょう)会社(かいしゃ)自分(じぶん)パソコン()てきたもっとも自分(じぶん)パソコンはいらない
    I brought my own computer to work today, although I don't need to.


  • この宝石(ほうせき)非常(ひじょう)貴重(きちょう)だ。もっと(わたし)()っている(なか)一番(いちばん)大切(たいせつ)なわけではない。

    This gem is incredibly precious. However, it does not mean it is the most valuable among the ones I have.

  • あの(ひと)(はなし)は、ある程度(ていど)まで信用(しんよう)できるようだ。もっとまだ(うたが)わしい部分(ぶぶん)あるけど

    It seems that that man's story can be trusted to some extent. However, there are still parts I doubt.

  • ここたくさん(さかずき)があります。もっと(わたし)どれ本物(ほんもの)聖杯(せいはい)かを(おし)えることができません上手(うま)(えら)んでください。

    There are many cups here. However, I cannot tell you which one is the real holy grail. Choose wisely.

  • 日本語(にほんご)(はな)せます。もっと(すこ)だけです

    I can speak Japanese. But only a bit.

  • (きみ)(ただ)しい。オレの一番(いちばん)()なものは、ラーメンだ。もっといつも()べられるわけではない。

    You are right! My favorite one is ramen. But it doesn't mean I can always eat it.

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最近の返信 (合計10件)

  • Pablunpro


    Hi! Thank you.

    The thing is that this grammar point is about the conjunction, no about the adverb, but it still mixes both as it includes 最も as well as a reference to JapaneseTest4You ’s entry on ‘Most, Extremely’.

    My suggestion is either to remove both these references or to create a Caution section to delve with this other もっとも.

  • celi


    Yes, I noticed that too. They do confuse the two, the adverb and the conjunction. There is no entry for adverb 最も that means Most, Extremely only the conjunction. If there is a grammar point on the adverb, I couldn’t find it by searching the word もっとも nor 最も.

  • lockster12345



    I noticed のなかで-がいちばん is listed as a synonym for もっとも, was this in error?

「もっとも」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
