
N3 レッスン 10: 15/20


Instead of, In place of, In exchange for


Verb + ()わりに
[い]Adjective + ()わりに
[な]Adjective + + ()わりに
Noun + + ()わりに


  • 使用域


  • 使用域



()わり 'a substitute' is a noun that is used to convey when (B) is acting as a replacement or substitute for (A). The case marking particle will come after ()わり, before a (B) statement will highlight who the replacement is, and possibly what they are doing.
As ()わり is a noun, it may be used after the attributive form of any word.
  • (おれ)社長(しゃちょう)電話(でんわ)する()わりに、お(まえ)はお(きゃく)さん電話(でんわ)しておいて。
    In exchange for me calling the boss, can you call the client in advance?
  • あのプールは(ふる)()わりに(やす)い。
    That pool is cheap, to substitute for it being old.
  • 仕事(しごと)大変(たいへん)()わりに(たの)しい。
    Work is fun, in exchange for it being difficult.
  • (わたし)()わりにやってください
    Can you do it in my place?
Occasionally, ()わり 'to exchange' may be used instead of ()わり 'to substitute'. However, within the context of this particular grammar structure, there is little to no change in nuance.
Fun Fact
()わりに is often used at the beginning of sentences, simply to express a more preferable option for something. In these cases, it comes across as 'rather than that, (A)', or 'instead, (A)'.
  • ()わりに()てくれない
    As a replacement, can you go for me?
  • ()わりにこれ()って()って。
    Instead of that, can you go take this?


  • (わたし)()わりにこの問題(もんだい)()いてください。

    Please solve this question instead of me.

    • バナナが(きら)()べれないからビタミンが()れない。バナナ()わりに(なに)()べたらいい

      I don't like bananas so I don't eat them and can't get those vitamins.
      What should I eat in place of a banana?

      • (かれ)遅刻(ちこく)をしてしまったので、(かれ)()わりに発表(はっぴょう)した。

        Since he was late, I presented instead of him.

        • 先生(せんせい)風邪(かぜ)をひいて(やす)んだので、()わりに校長(こうちょう)先生(せんせい)授業(じゅぎょう)をした。

          Because the teacher caught a cold and took the day off, the principal taught the class in his place.

          • コーヒー()わりに紅茶(こうちゃ)では駄目(だめ)ですか?

            Is tea in place of coffee not good enough?

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            最近の返信 (合計5件)

            • conan


              DIJG also covers this as “to make up for”, as in: 昼間遊ぶ代わりに夜勉強するつもりだ。“I am going to enjoy myself in the daytime, so/but (to make up for it) I will study at night.”

              Will this nuance be added?

            • testing


              What does that mean? How is it fun “in exchange” for it being difficult?

              I’ve been puzzling with a native English speaker (who’s also learning Japanese) over this, and while we can come up with “Work is difficult but fun.”, it doesn’t sound like that would need a 代わりに in Japanese, so we’re a bit stumped.

            • Sammouse


              Upon reading the other resources it seems that 代わりに has the nuance of “to make up for”, which fits the translation much better. The translation bunpro provided confused me in the same way and this is how I was able to rationalise it

            「代わりに」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
