
N3 レッスン 6: 9/24


Not really, Not particularly, It's not like...


(べつ) + Verb[ない]
(べつ) + [い]Adjective[ない]
(べつ) + [な]Adjective + ではない(1)
(べつ) + Noun + ではない(1)

(1) じゃない


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When paired with ない (either the い-Adjective or the auxiliary verb), the adverb (べつ)に 'separately' changes slightly in definition to that of (とく)に 'especially'. Let's have a look at a few examples.
  • (わたし)(べつ)(かま)ないけど、お(とう)さんはそういう()にするから、お(とう)さんの(まえ)ではそういう(こと)()ないでね。
    I actually don't mind, but my dad cares a lot about things like that, so please don't say such things in front of him.
  • (べつ)(いた)ないよ。(すく)しチクってするだけ
    It's not really painful. It just stings a little.
  • あなた(こと)(べつ)(きら)ではないよ。ただあなた(なに)について(はな)ばいい()らないだけ
    It's not that I don't like you at all. It's just that I don't know what to talk about with you.
  • パーティーってみんな()っているけど(べつ)そんなに(たい)したものではないよ。
    Everyone is calling it a party, but it is actually not that big of a deal.
This 'especially' nuance of (べつ)に comes from 'separately' being negated. The literal meaning of (べつ)に~ない is something like '(A) cannot be separated/differentiated'. This comes across as 'maybe it is a little (A), maybe a lot (A), but in any case, it cannot be said that it IS (A)'.
(べつ)に will quite often be paired with わけではない, as they both express uncertainty. However, it should never be paired with わけがない, as this would be combining a statement that removes certainty, with one that adds certainty.
  • (べつ)ケーキが(きら)というわけではない(いま)()くないだけ
    It is not that I dislike cakes. I just don't want one right now.
  • (べつ)ケーキが(きら)というわけがない(いま)()くないだけ
    It is not that I SO don't not like cakes. I just don't want any right now. (Grammatically correct, but very confusing for the listener)




    I'm not really saying that Tom is bad. (not particularly)


    Even if the music is that loud, I don't particularly care.


    I don't particularly mind being drenched in sweat, but I don't like other people's sweat.


    It is not that I don't really have a dream.


    It is not like I am not particularly having fun. I am just a bit tired.

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      最近の返信 (合計2件)

      • someone2020


        What’s the nuance/difference between this, もっとも。。ない、とても。。ない、and すこしも。。ない?

      • Daru


        Nuance and degree!

        最も~ない - Least of all
        とても~ない - Not at all
        少しもない - Not in the slightest
        別に~ない - Not particularly

        They resemble each other, but the basic meaning is easy to tell from the kanji! Hope this helps.

      「別に〜ない」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
