
N4 レッスン 3: 13/18


Not very, Not much, Not really, Hardly


あまり(1) + Verb[ない]
あまり(1) + [い]Adjective[ない]
あまり(1) + Noun + ではない(2)
あまり + [な]Adjective + ではない(2)

(1) あんまり
(2) じゃない


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あまり is a very flexible word in Japanese, that is used in several different grammar points. When paired with the ない form of a word, it translates to 'not very (A)', or 'hardly (A)'. To pair あまり (or the casual form, あんまり) with another word, we just need to place it at the beginning of a phrase, or directly before the ない statement.
  • (いま)時間(じかん)だったらあまり(なら)ないと思う
    At this time, I think we would not have to stand in line for very long.
  • (わたし)(いぬ)いるからあまり(さび)しくない
    I have a dog, so I don't feel lonely very much.
  • 最近(さいきん)どこもあまり平和(へいわ)ではない
    Recently, nowhere has been very peaceful.
  • そこ肉屋(にくや)(にく)あまりいい(にく)ではない
    Meat from that butcher over there is hardly good.
Fun Fact
Although あまり~ない is regularly translated as 'not very' the literal translation is closer to 'not excessively (A)'. This is due to (あま) (the kanji which this word comes from), meaning 'excessive', or 'to be in excess'.
あまり has this meaning of 'excessive' in all of its grammar points, and the nuance will only change based on whether the sentence itself is positive (does not use ない), or negative (uses ない).


  • このケーキあまり美味(おい)くない

    This cake isn't very delicious.

  • あまり(にく)()ない

    I don't eat very much meat.

  • あまりいい(くるま)ではないけど(はし)れるからいいじゃない

    This car isn't that great, but it runs so that's good enough, right?

    This sentence uses the potential form 走れる which we'll learn about later here.

  • あまり大変(たいへん)ことではないから心配(しんぱい)いらない

    It isn't that big of a deal, so you don't have to worry.

  • 寿司(すし)あまり()べたい(おも)ない

    I don't really think I want to eat sushi.

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最近の返信 (合計14件)

  • mrnoone



    Yes, it is exactly the same あまり!


  • driscoll


    I’m a bit confused as to where the あまりgoes + the negative good. The one with “This car isn’t that great”
    is あまり いい車くるまではない

    But why isn’t it この車はあまりよくない like the example for “This cake isn’t very delicious.”

  • Fuga


    Hey there @driscoll !

    あまり comes right before adjectives, verbs, and nouns. あまりいい車くるまではない, and この車はあまりよくない may seem similar, but it has a slight (very slight) difference in nuance, but it is just mostly a difference in how the sentence was ordered. It similar to saying ‘this car isn’t that great’ and ‘this isn’t a great car’. The nuance of those sentences change a little depending on the context, but other than word order, the meaning is basically the same.

    We hope that help!

「あまり~ない」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
