
N1 レッスン 1: 3/17


Like, Similar to, As if, The same as

よう is now used in most situations except some fixed phrases


Noun + (1) + ごとし
Noun + (1) + ごとく
Noun + (1) + ごとき + Noun

Verb + (2) + ごとし
Verb + (2) + ごとく
Verb + (2) + ごとき + Noun,



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(ごと) is an classical auxiliary verb in Japanese which has a very similar meaning to its modern equivalent, よう 'manner of'. Just like よう, ごとし (written primarily in hiragana) focuses on the appearance of (A) based on observation. Due to this, ごとし may be translated as 'like (A)', 'similar to (A)', or 'as if it were (A)'.

ごとし is the base form of this auxiliary verb, but ごとく (the conjunctive form), and ごとき (the attributive form) will also be seen. As only ごとき is attributive, it may be followed directly by other nouns, while ごとし most often comes at the end of sentences. ごとく acts as an adverb when preceding verbs, but may also be seen before breaks in clauses. Let's look at a few examples of each form.

Like よう, ごとし and its variations will follow の when coming after a noun. However, it will follow が when coming after a verb.

As ごとし is old-fashioned, it will primarily be encountered in books, rather than in speech.

Fun Fact

The kanji 如 itself has a meaning very similar to the word 'likeness' in English, indicating something that resembles (A) in every sense of the word, but is not actually (A). This kanji can be seen in several common words in Japanese such as 如何(どう) 'how'.




    Her movements are like those of a ballet dancer.


    There are not many heroes like Gandalf.


    He runs like Usain Bolt.


    A novel about ninja: 'Katsura ran through the garden like a swift wind and jumped over the wall.'


    Funeral speech: 'When I was a kid, my uncle used to say 'time flies like an arrow.' Now I feel like I'm finally starting to understand the meaning of it.'

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      最近の返信 (合計6件)

      • cloud_ctrl


        There is a popular video game series called 龍が如く. This grammar point explanation indicates that construction with a noun must link with a の, like this: 龍の如く.

        So we have a contradiction, and either the game title is a style choice or the grammar point is unnecessarily narrow. Can anyone tell me which is the case?

      • Fuga


        Hey @cloud_ctrl !

        This is a style choice made by the game creator!

        The title was supposed to be 「龍の如く」, but they changed it to 「龍が如く」to make the title more impactful. This is the official answer they gave on a Q & A!

      • cloud_ctrl


        Thank you for the great response. How interesting!

      「如く・如き・如し」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
