WH-Word(1) + か + Particle(2)
WH-Word(1) + Particle(2) + も
(1) どこ、誰
(2) へ、に、と
The constructions 誰か, and どこか are used when you want to ask, or answer questions about 'someone', or 'somewhere' (positive sentences). Alternatively, 'no one', or 'nowhere' based statements are made with 誰も, and どこも (negative sentences). Structures like this that use 誰 were briefly discussed in the 誰 grammar point.
Using 誰, or どこ is not limited to the か and も particles. へ, に, or と may also be partnered with か or も, to give a more specific meaning.
As can be seen with these examples, か will always precede any other particle in a positive sentence. However, the opposite is true for も. も will always follow any other particles in negative sentences. This is because か will always attach directly to the noun (when altering the meaning of that noun), but も alters the whole phrase, not just the noun.
However, It should be noted that も is not limited to appearing in negative sentences, as can be seen with the final example.
'Do you have friends somewhere?'
'I don't have friends anywhere.'
'Did you tell someone about that?'
'No, I didn't tell anyone.'
'It is probably somewhere.'
'It is not anywhere (I'm telling you).'
'Did you hand off the paper to someone?'
'I did not hand off the paper to anyone.'
'Do you want to go somewhere?'
'I don't want to go anywhere, man.'
だれでも vs. だれにも
Maggie Sensei
Using question words
Tae Kim
Genki I 2nd Edition
Page 235
みんなの日本語 I
Page 38 [CH 5]
Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
Page 101
最近の返信 (合計15件)
Wh-words are the English question words that mostly begin with “wh” such as why, who, when, where and so on. It’s not related to Japanese, the user just went with a familiar term to refer to question words.
Okay thanks! I thought that was what they meant but I was kinda worried it was a secret code for something and got a bit nervous. I guess to many people it’s obvious but I’ve never heard of it before
Why is へ used being used with the verb 言う? 誰かに 言いたいけど、まだ誰へも言わない。Is this an exception? I havn’t seen へ be used with any other verbs, other then when travelling or going some where ie いく。is へ also used with the verb 言う or is it only used with 言う when used with 誰も? as in 誰へも? are there any other verbs that don’t mean speak that take へ when used with 誰へも?Is へも the same as にも? and if it is, is it only used like that when using 誰も and is not used with any other words, for isntance although I can say 僕にも but I can’t say 僕へも? or is this a mistake on Bunpro’s part and 誰へも Is ungramatical and not said by anyone?
「誰か・どこか・誰も・どこも」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!