
N4 レッスン 6: 10/16

~て (Means and Manner)

By, With, On, By means of, ~ing with


Verb[て]+ Phrase
Noun + + Phrase


  • 使用域


  • 使用域


「Verb[て]・Noun[で] + B」の情報

The conjunction particle , or the case marking particle are often used to highlight when something is being 'used'. The thing being used does not necessarily need to indicate a tool, but can also indicate a circumstance/situation. In these cases, '(A) (B)' translates as 'with/by means of (A), (B)'.
  • 寝坊(ねぼう)ので(あわ)準備(じゅんび)
    Since I overslept, I got ready in a flurry.
  • 毎日(まいにち)(およ)トレーニングしています。
    I train by swimming every day.
  • (ちち)(くるま)仕事(しごと)()
    My father goes to work by car.
  • (わたし)ハサミ野菜(やさい)()ます
    I cut my vegetables using scissors.
Fun Fact
With (and ), the nuance is quite often that '(A) allowed/led to (B)'. This may be a simple sequence of events, or may be through the direct use of a tool/situation. The nuance that is being highlighted will always depend on the (B) phrase. Due to this, it is important to always read the (B) clause, before deciding what the speaker is trying to convey.


  • フライパン使(つか)料理(りょうり)します

    I am making a meal with a frying pan.

  • (あら)っていない()()(はな)など(さわ)てはいけません

    You must not touch your eyes and nose with unwashed hands.

  • 現代人(げんだいじん)絵文字(えもじ)使(つか)SNSメールなど感情(かんじょう)(あらわ)ことができる

    Modern people can express emotions via social networking, mail, etc. by using emoji.

  • けいまくん自転車(じてんしゃ)()学校(がっこう)()っています

    Keima goes to school by bike.

  • 祖母(ばあ)さん:「はるこちゃん、どうやってスマホ写真(しゃしん)とるの?」

    Grandmother: 'Haruko, how do I take photos with my smartphone?'
    Granddaughter, Haruko: 'Like this.' (Showing how to take photos)

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン

  • オフライン

    「Verb[て]・Noun[で] + B」に関するオフラインリソースはまだ登録されていません。


  • リソースを追跡する!


「Verb[て]・Noun[で] + B」に関する文法ディスカッション

最近の返信 (合計3件)

  • Superpnut


    I don’t really understand the header for this grammar point.
    I think I have at least a basic working knowledge of て and how it normally works but…I’m really not getting what the header means. And by header I mean

    Means/manner + て-form ・で
    and also
    Verb[て] + B (Means・Manner)

    I’m just really not picking up on what you guys are trying to say with the header

  • nekoyama


    It’s just the structure of the grammar from left to right. E.g.

    Means/Manner て-form B (the main action)
    フライパンを使う 使う → 使って 料理をします
    use a frying pan use → using a frying pan I am making a meal
  • Superpnut


    OH okay thanks that’s way more clear

「Verb[て]・Noun[で] + B」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
