
N2 レッスン 8: 7/22

()けにIn addition, On top of that, What is more, To make matters worse



おまけに + Phrase


  • 使用域



()けに is a phrase which often functions as a conjunction between the (A) and (B) parts of a sentence in order to show that (B) is 'in addition to (A)'.

This structure stems from the common use of the noun お()け which indicates a 'discount' or 'freebie' that is added in addition to the base of (A). Despite お()け itself primarily being used for positive things ()けに may convey 'in addition', 'on top of that', or 'what's more' regardless of whether the original topic is a good thing or not. However, (A) and (B) will always either be both good things, or both bad things, never a mixture of both.

Being a combination of お()け and に, this phrase will appear either at the beginning of a new sentence, or at the beginning of a second clause of a 2-part sentence.


An important distinction between phrases like それに and ()けに is that ()けに keeps its original meaning of (B) being some kind of 'bonus'. What this means is that whatever the speaker is trying to convey, (A) by itself is enough to meet some specific qualifications, and (B) is just adding 'insult to injury', or 'icing on the cake', depending on whether it is a good or a bad thing.




    I have cleaned the house. On top of that, I have also made lunch. (what is more)


    They included perfume in addition to the jewel I bought. (on top of that)


    Not only has my bike been stolen, but to make matters worse, it looks like it is going to rain. (what is more)


    I lost at the horse races and, to make matters worse, I lost my wallet on the way home. Worst day ever.


    On top of my hair thinning, my weight suddenly increased. This is definitely stress. (what is more)

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  • オンライン

    • オフライン



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      最近の返信 (合計4件)

      • Fuga


        Hey @Hadros232232 !

        おまけに has a nuance that the thing that is ‘additional’ is either good or bad for the speaker, and is used to describe how the ‘additional’ thing makes the situation better or worse. It is also used to add additional information that does not necessarily relate to the topic that was mentioned previously. Due to this, it is used in casual conversations. However, また does not have any feelings or the nuance of ‘to make matters worse’ to it, so it is used to add additional information about the same topic that was mentioned before.

        We hope that this answers your question!

      • lisaki8


        The answer for the sentence 「頼まれた仕事を一生懸命やったら、____ お菓子もくれた。」is おまけに.

        What’s confusing, though, is that the hint is “on top of that,” suggesting (at least to me) that the answer could be 上に or その上. Any advice?

      • casual


        Without commenting on the hint, I have a different difficulty with the same sentence.


        The only way it makes sense to me is if there is a skipped but assumed part in the middle, something like this:


        Without it, I stumble over 2 inconsistencies in the sentence as written:

        ① The subject doesn’t visibly change between the first and second halves, but くれた cannot refer to the speaker’s actions, so it has to change in the end. My first intuition would be to go with もらった so the subject doesn’t change.

        ② おまけに seemingly connects “I worked hard” and “I got sweets”, but that doesn’t make logical sense. It has to connect either two different rewards or good feelings, OR alternatively two different aspects of working hard.

        Does the sentence really read naturally as is?

      「おまけに」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
