
N2 レッスン 10: 15/21


Moreover, Furthermore


Phrase (A) + しかも + Phrase (B)


  • 使用域


  • 使用域





しかも is a conjunction in Japanese which is commonly translated as either 'furthermore', or 'moreover'. This is a somewhat formal grammar pattern which indicates that both (A) and (B) exist at the same time, or are in unison. しかも itself focuses on the overall topic, so will be used for giving objective opinions, such as observable facts, rather than personal opinions.
As しかも is a conjunction, it may be used between two phrases, or sometimes at the beginning of a second sentence, when referring back to the first.
  • このテレビは画質(がしつ)がめちゃくちゃいい。しかも受信機(じゅしんき)がついていないから受信料(じゅしんりょう)(はら)わなくてもいい。
    This TV has a very good resolution, and what's more, it doesn't have a receiver, so you don't have to pay a TV reception fee.
  • 彼女(かのじょ)はとても(あたま)がいいし性格(せいかく)もいい。しかも美人(びじん)だからもてないわけがない。
    She is very smart and has a great personality. Moreover, she is beautiful, so there is no way that she is not popular.
  • あの(みせ)(ふる)いし(きたな)い。しかも品揃(しなぞろ)えもよくないから、そのうち(つぶ)れるだろう。
    That store is old and dirty. Moreover, they don't have a good selection of goods, so they will probably go out of business soon.
Often, (A) will be considered the 'base' information, while (B) is extra information added on top of (A), or further explaining (A).
Fun-fact - Originally, しかも came from the combination of the archaic interjection (しか) 'as such', or 'like that', and the particle も 'too', or 'also'. In this way, some reflection can be seen between it and modern English phrases like 'additionally', where the (B) information is simply adding on to what is already known about (A).
Fun-fact - In modern writing, しかも may also appear as either (しか) or (しか), although both are quite rare.




    My nose is big and what's more, it is crooked.


    He is good at Japanese and furthermore, he can write kanji beautifully.


    Furthermore, while on stage, he tripped and fell.


    That person does not have common sense. Moreover, he is brazen.


    That supermarket's meat is cheap. Moreover, it is marbled (good quality).

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      最近の返信 (合計3件)

      • mitten


        Bunpro says this is a formal expression but in my experience that’s not the case at all. I use it and hear it used in casual conversations very often but less often in formal writing. I think it’s almost never used in academic papers.

        (I’m a native Japanese speaker)

      • Fuga


        Hey @mitten !

        In both the details section and in the hints, we explain that this is a somewhat formal grammar pattern. Because it could be used in both casual and formal situations, we have decided to change the register to say ‘Standard’ to avoid confusion.

        As a fellow native speaker I agree that しかも sounds more casual than formal because of how often we use it and hear it, however this does not mean that it is never used in formal situations or academic papers.

        We hope that this clears it up!

      • mitten


        Thank you for updating the page. I agree it should be labeled standard.

        But it still says its 使用域 is 硬い. Is that intentional? (I don’t know how bunpro distinguishes register and 使用域)

      「しかも」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
