
N3 レッスン 10: 1/20


Hard to, Difficult to


Verb[ます+ がたい


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Coming from the same kanji as (むずか)しい 'difficult', (がた)い is a suffix that also means 'difficult'. However, in the case of がたい, it will be attached to the conjunctive form of verbs, and conveys that '(A) is difficult to do'. がたい is almost always written without kanji in this meaning.
  • あいつ()(こと)(しん)がたい(いま)(しん)じるしかない
    It is hard to believe what he says, but we have no choice but to trust him.
  • ()がたかったから()わなかったけど、シャツ反対(はんたい)よ。
    I didn't say this because it's hard to say, but your shirt is inside out.
Compared to にくい, which can simply imply that something is 'uncomfortable' to do, がたい refers almost exclusively to 困難(こんなん)であること 'things that involve a high degree of difficulty, distress, or infeasibility'. Due to this, がたい will come across as far stronger than にくい, and may imply that a certain task is almost impossible.
  • (かれ)(こえ)()こえにくい
    His voice is a bit tricky to hear. (It is kind of hard to hear his voice, based on my ability/feeling)
  • この(はなし)(しん)がたい()かる(しん)じてくれ!
    I understand that this story is impossible to believe, but please believe me! (Believing something like this is not easy)
Summed up, these nuances basically translate as the following:
にくい - Something is difficult based on someone's opinion, experience, or general feeling.
がたい - Something is difficult based on the task itself having a high level of difficulty.




    I am often told that I am hard to approach.


    It's hard to believe what that person is saying.


    Everyone is saying that that movie is interesting, but I find it hard to say that it will succeed. (Casual)


    I encountered an event that is nearly impossible to forget.


    That person was brave to the point that was nearly impossible to believe.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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      最近の返信 (合計7件)

      • Johnathan-Weir


        These videos might be worth adding:

      • ggw1776


        I usually only do my drills with the english translations, which makes this sentence in particular pretty frustrating

      • Gabrielkarrer


        can bunpro add the 辛い as a separate grammar point. In my practical case, i didnt use and know about it at all and accidentally come on it on a (all n4 grammar youtube video) to polish my grammar skill. If you know the nuance, its pretty useful.

      「がたい」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
