
N3 レッスン 9: 9/22

()Half-, Not yet finished, About to, Begin to


Verb[stem]+ かけ
Verb[stem]+ かける
Verb[stem]+ かけ + Noun


  • 使用域



Being an unofficial helper verb, かけ is what is known as a 造語(ぞうご) (neologism), and carries one specific meaning when used in conjunction with other words. This is similar to (). かけ comes from the verb ()ける 'to suspend', and may be attached to the conjunctive form or other verbs, in order to convey that they are 'unfinished'. Usually this translates as 'half (A)', 'about to (A)', or 'not yet finished (A)'.

かけ behaves like a noun, so may be followed by the case marking particle の when attached directly to another noun, or by when at the end of a sentence.

Occasionally, the verb ()ける itself may be used instead of the noun form, かけ.

Fun Fact

As the literal meaning of ()ける is 'to suspend', it expresses that something is stuck somewhere in the process of happening. This is similar to taking a photo of someone that is jumping. In the photo it will look like they are 'suspended', but that is only because one particular moment has been captured, somewhere between the start and the finish. かけ conveys exactly the same meaning, and therefore may be interpreted differently, depending on the verb it is paired with.

With verbs that express a momentary action (something that cannot be 'half' done), かけ will convey that the action was 'on the verge of' happening.

However, with verbs that are ongoing actions, かけ will simply imply that they are 'in the process' of being done.




    I have some half-eaten cake, if you would like.


    I want to finish this half-drawn picture quickly.


    This watch is half-broken, but is still better than nothing.


    The half-forgotten memory suddenly came back.


    I nearly died in the car accident. (half-dead)

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。






最近の返信 (合計7件)

  • Fuga


    Hey @testing !

    The only way you can really spot that it is not the usual meaning of making other people do it is usually by looking at the context. For example, for sentences like, 描きかけの絵を早く完成させたい, you can assume that it is used with the nuance of ‘making myself do something’, because of the たい at the end of the sentence. Also, words like 終わらせる and 完成させる are often used when the speaker wants to make themselves finish/complete something, and not used when the speaker wants to make another person finish or complete something. So, yes, it is one of those ‘Japanese is weird sometimes’ kind of thing.

    I hope that helps!

  • electrosuccess


    Hello, I’ve got a question about the sentence:


    I have a lot of books that are half-read.

    Wouldn’t 読み掛けた本 be correct here? It’s not accepted as a correct answer.

  • Fuga


    Hey @electrosuccess !

    Since your answer could work, we have added a hint for it!

「かけ」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
