
N4 レッスン 7: 1/18

~てあげるTo do something for someone, As a favor for

Might sound patronizing and can be rude especially if used with elderly people!


Verb[て]+ あげる


  • 使用域


  • あまり見かけない漢字



When joining the conjunction particle , with the る-Verbあげる (to give), it implies that someone is doing something for the benefit of someone else. Literally, this expression means 'to give/bestow the action of (A) upon (B)', but translates more naturally as 'to do (A) for (B)', or 'to do (A) as a favor for (B)'.

The receiver of the てあげる action will be marked with , while the doer will be marked with (if mentioned).


Unfortunately, てあげる can sound quite patronizing in modern Japanese, and should be avoided in situations where someone may take offence to having something done for them (for example, doing something for someone of higher status). This is primarily due to やる (a casual variation of 'to give') being phased out.

  • 部長(ぶちょう)今夜(こんや)(おれ)おごってあげる
    Boss, I'll pay for the food tonight (as a favor). (Natural Japanese, but may be considered rude by the boss)

Fun Fact

Originally, やる was used when referring to giving water to plants, or feeding animals. However, some people started using あげる for these purposes as well, believing that it sounded 'nicer'. Historically, this actually achieved the opposite result, and some people began to think that あげる was insulting, as it was being used for plants/animals.

  • (いぬ)(えさ)やる。
    To feed the dog. (To give food to the dog because they need it to live)
  • (いぬ)(えさ)あげる
    To feed the dog. (To give food to the dog because you want it to have the best life)

These days, てやる is almost never used, unless you have a very close relationship with someone and are using it jokingly.

  • (まえ)()たいもの(なに)でも(つく)てやる
    I will make anything you want to eat for you.




    I bought flowers (as a favor) for my mother.


    Shall we give assistance to (as a favor for) that lady?


    Please hand over this present to your dad. (Give to)


    Please lend your eraser to Yuka. (For Yuka)


    Because they look lonely let's give them a hug. (For them)

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン



    • オフライン



      • リソースを追跡する!



      最近の返信 (合計44件)

      • nekoyama


        The volitional form can be used to make suggestions, and who does what for whom can be left to context. For example:


      • he77kat


        So I also came here to ask, "if あげる might be considered rude by the elderly or someone of higher status, what is the most commonly-used alternative?". A different thread suggested that 差し上げる might be appropriate, but the nuance didn’t seem to match to me.

        Is prompting with 〜ましょうか the best approach then?

      • Fuga


        Hey there @he77kat !

        差し上げる would be the best word to use to someone of a higher status! This will depend on the person on the receiving end and the situation, but adding ましょうか to てあげる could sound as patronizing as just using てあげる even though it sounds polite. てあげましょうか could be taken as rude because it kind of implies that you think that the person (of higher status) lacks the ability to do something, and could sound like you are being passive aggressive about their inability. However, by using て差し上げましょうか, it makes it sound like you are putting yourself below the person you are talking to.

        I hope this clears it up!

      「てあげる」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
