
N4 レッスン 1: 8/18


To come to, To become, To continue, To be starting to, Has been ~ing


Verb[て]+ くる


  • 使用域


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「てくる 」の情報

This grammar point is a combination of the conjunction particle , and the verb () 'to come'. To use this grammar point, you will need to attach to any verb, and then follow it with くる. This nuance is usually that '(A) happened, and then came', or 'will happen, and then come'. In other words, it will depend on whether くる is in present, or past tense.

てくる can be used when representing time, or when representing a physical place. When representing a physical place, it is more likely that the kanji structure, () will be used. However, this is not a set rule, and depends on the writer.

When used in relation to time, the nuance is usually that something has already come to pass, or will start to happen from now.

This is the opposite of ていく, which indicates that something will change from the way that it is now, or will continue progressing in a certain way.

Fun Fact

When compared to English, てくる is very similar to the phrase 'to have come to (A)', in relation to time. This means that it focuses on the fact that the speaker will 'become (A)', should things continue in a specific way. In practice though, it is used like 'gotten' in most situations.




    You will come back home soon, right? (Literally - Return and come)


    Please bring a bento with you. (hold and come)


    I will go to the bathroom and come back.


    Since coming back to America, I have rapidly come to be fatter.


    You have come to look like your mother.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン

      「てくる 」に関するオンラインリソースはまだ登録されていません。


    • オフライン

        「てくる 」に関するオフラインリソースはまだ登録されていません。


      • リソースを追跡する!


      「てくる 」に関する文法ディスカッション

      最近の返信 (合計47件)

      • severian


        なった would be “become”, but the sentence is wanting “came to be”.

        I finally became good at Japanese.
        I finally came to be good at Japanese.

      • Marcus


        Thank you so much @severian !

        But, oh, blimey, my English is getting worse and worse, let alone learning Japanese! I can’t see any difference between those two sentences in terms of meaning!

        Let me go away and think about that one, because I just don’t feel like I have the brain-power right now! Thanks again so much!

      • othesius


        If I wanted to express a negative (i.e. something did not occur) would I use the negative て form or negative of くる?

        For example:

        Because it snowed so much yesterday, I was unable to leave the house. (Perhaps this isn’t even an acceptable usage of the grammar structure)

        I don’t see examples of negatives used in the lesson.

      「てくる 」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
