
N2 レッスン 10: 19/21


It is not that, It doesn't mean that, It is not always the case

In casual language というわけじゃない can be used.


Verb + という + わけでは(1)ない
[い]Adjective + という + わけでは(1)ない
[な]Adjective +()+ という + わけでは(1)ない
Noun +()+ という + わけでは(1)ない

(1) じゃ


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()うわけではない is often considered an emphasized version of わけではない in stating that something 'doesn't mean that (A)', '(A) is not always the case', or 'it's not that (A)'. Being that という often presents (A) as a matter for discussion, or an important quotation structure, it will regularly be used to refer back to something that another person has said, in order to clarify that it may not be 100% accurate.

というわけではない may be used after any structure that could usually be paired with という, and a more literal translation may be thought of as 'it is not so that (A) can be said'. Although not required, だ will often be seen before nouns and な-Adjectives, and というわけではない.

()うわけではない will regularly be used when the speaker is denying that something said earlier is the reason for something. This could either be a misunderstanding that they themselves want to avoid, or something that the listener asked them to clarify.

Fun Fact

When used in the positive form, という(わけ) is often attached to the end of statements that are considered to be either obvious, or clear due to context or common sense. This form will just be translated as 'so that means (A)', or 'so the reason is (A)'.

  • ということは、彼女(かのじょ)(かれ)(たす)けるために、(かれ)()(たお)したという(わけ)
    So that means that she pushed him in order to save him.
  • (かれ)がこの(くに)入国(にゅうこく)できないのは、以前(いぜん)この(くに)犯罪(はんざい)(おか)したからというわけだ
    So the reason why he cannot enter this country is because he has committed crimes in this country in the past.




    Mother: 'Why aren't you eating? Do you hate my cooking?'
    Son: 'It is not the case that I hate it, I am simply not hungry at the moment.' (not the reason)


    It is not the case that all mushrooms are poisonous. (not the reason)


    This computer, despite not being the fastest, many people bought it. What the heck? (not the case/reason)


    That is close to a ritual, but it doesn't mean that it is a ritual. (not the reason)


    It is not that it is officially the norm, but please take note. (not the reason)

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      最近の返信 (合計9件)

      • FredKore


        Can someone help explain the differences with these? In my head, they’re all “it doesn’t mean that ~” but I often get marked wrong without a nudge.


      • Melanthe


        Seconding (and bumping) this question

      • mrnoone


        @Melanthe @FredKore
        Those two are very similar expressions.

        There is a strong tendency to use ことにはならない with ても and からといって(からって). As in:
        It is fairly uncommon to use it without those two constructions in the preceding clause (part of sentence). It is also more often used in refuting general statements. So it is a more limited expression, but basically interchangeable with (という)わけではない.

        わけではない can be used with からと言って and 「ても」 but it is not a requirement and it is quite common without those. わけではない is generally used when refuting/disagreeing with a statement of the interlocutor (a person we are talking with). It can be also used when refuting general statements and as a very indirect way of refusing. So it has more use-cases. But I would say it is also generally interchangeable with ことにはならない.

        When it comes to という, it is generally used ...

      「というわけではない」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
