
N4 レッスン 1: 5/18

どんどんProgressively, Rapidly increasing, More and more

どんどん - Swift change, だんだん - Gradual change


どんどん + () + Phrase


  • 使用域



どんどん (or ドンドン) is one of the countless words in Japanese that represent a particular sound or sensation. These words are known as onomatopoeia (オノマトペ in Japanese). どんどん represents the sound of banging (like on a drum), or the pounding of feet. In this way, it is regularly translated as 'rapidly', or 'quickly'.

Like だんだん, どんどん may be used before almost any phrase.

While どんどん can take the particle , it is not required. In fact, is very often omitted from adverbs/onomatopoeic words in Japanese.


Initially, it can be easy to mix-up どんどん, with だんだん. だんだん is used to express slower changes, and may be thought of as similar to 'steadily', or 'step by step' in English.

Fun Fact

When the particle is used with onomatopoeic words, it is very similar to one of 's main usages as a quotation marker in Japanese. This means that has a similar role to words like 'went', or 'goes' in English. For example, In English, we would say:

The door 'goes' BANG with the wind.

However, the door doesn't actually 'go' anywhere. This is similar to what is doing here.




    It will progressively get warmer and warmer.


    I want to progressively get better at Japanese.


    The Japanese population will rapidly decrease.


    The sound will get louder and louder.


    She will progressively get prettier.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。






最近の返信 (合計9件)

  • Kirumi


    Didn’t think of that at all, I’ll do that now. Thanks for the tip

  • Fuga


    Hey @Kirumi !

    Since this question is for the grammar point どんどん, だんだん should trigger a hint instead of accepting it as an answer. It seemed like it was showing it as an accepted answer due to our input error, so we have just now fixed this!

  • JeroenDeWachter


    I am really struggling to accept the explanations/translations for this grammar point.

    ‘progressively’, ‘steadily’ and ‘gradually’ are synonyms in the English language and represent a constant change over time so should be the translations for だんだん if I’ve understood anything of it.

    To me it seems that ‘steadily’ has at some point been confused with ‘steadfastly’ as the latter carries the ‘strong’ connotation of どんどん and now everyone just goes along with it.

    Any English majors here who can either confirm the above or lay my doubts to rest?

「どんどん」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
