
N5 レッスン 3: 2/13

In, At, To, For, On


Noun +


  • 品詞


  • 単語の種類


  • 使用域



can be a very difficult particle to master in Japanese, as it has many different translations in English. These translations are usually 'in', 'at', 'to', 'for', or 'on'. Let's look at an example of each meaning.

While these examples may seem quite confusing at first, it will be easier to think of as always having one 'basic' meaning. That meaning is to be the 'end-point' of an action. This means that whatever action is being described, can only be considered complete/able to be completed once you're at/while you're at the location/time described in the sentence.

Verbs like ()む (to live/dwell) often confuse learners, as they use instead of . This is also due to the fact that ()む is a verb that can only be 'completed' at the destination. (You can only complete the act of living/dwelling in the place that you live, so to speak).




    He is at that place over there.


    To place a book on this place (here).


    To sit on this desk.


    To go to the station.


    To go to the hospital.

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最近の返信 (合計9件)

  • Jake


    exists, in・at・to, for・on


    • Noun +

    View on Bunpro

  • deltacat3


    I have seen に used in places where I would assume で to be used.

    (I) will live in Tokyo.

    The cat’s napping on the couch.

    There is a cherry tree standing in the yard.

    Why is this? Is に okay to be used with verbs denoting very little volitional action?

  • Foka


    I have a question regarding 駅へ行く and 駅に行く

    As far as I’m concerned they mean the exact same thing in both of these sentences. Now which one of those should I use, when saying that i am going towards something. (駅 just as an example)

    Edit: Does the first one focus more on the act of going and the second one more on the destination?

  • matt_in_mito


    Basically yes, but Japanese people themselves don’t seem to realise this and tend to use them interchangeably, so don’t worry too much about this nuance.

  • Unlocked


    In the まだ grammar point, there’s a sentence:


    Which it says means “It is still (too) early for you.” Makes sense.

    I’m a bit hung up on the お前に part though. The に grammar point says it can mean “for,” but the example given uses “for” as in “for my birthday,” which doesn’t really feel like the same meaning of “for” as in “for you.”

    Can に be used to mean “for someone” in general (like “I bought a shirt for him” ->「彼にシャツを買った」), or is there some special nuance that’s applying here?

  • FredKore


    It’s the には combo that makes the nuance.
    には | Japanese Grammar SRS
    "When には follows a noun denoting person it means “for (someone as opposed to others)”

  • X11


    why is に used when “旅館に泊まる” Speding the night at a ryokan? but で is used “教室で寝る” when Sleeping in the class room?

  • FredKore


    The verbs that use に just show that you exist at a location.
    The verbs that use で show that you are actively doing something at a location.

    So, with the example, you might be thinking that “stay” (泊まる) is an action, but it’s really just describing that you exist at that hotel, and then the actions you take at that location are check-in, eat, talk, sleep. The hotel is the stage/setting for the actions that you do.

    This evening, I’ll stay at the hotel (I’ll be at the hotel), and eat at the hotel restaurant, and sleep in the hotel bed.

    Here’s a link that even has examples where both に or で could be used and the different nuances of each.
    に (Ni) vs で (De): How These Two Particles Define Location and Time Differently

  • carolcakka


    I also saw this example sentence, what nuance would it make if it’s just ‘この漫画はフリガナがついているから読よみやすいです’? without the ‘に’? Thank you in advance!

  • FredKore


    For には, it’s probably better to think of it as a different particle from either に or は.
    には (JLPT N2) | Bunpro

    You’ll see it gets used in its own way like in these expressions…
    わけにはいかない (JLPT N3) | Bunpro
    からには (JLPT N2) | Bunpro
    ないことには~ない (JLPT N2) | Bunpro

「に」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
