
N2 レッスン 4: 7/18


Lead to, As a good opportunity to, As a result of, As a trigger


Noun + 契機(けいき) + (1)
Verb + (2) + 契機(けいき) + (1)

(1) にして、として
(2) こと


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契機(けいき) is a grammar construction made up of を, the noun 契機(けいき) 'chance' or 'trigger' and に. It is a formal pattern that is used to indicate some sort of trigger and may be translated '(A) led to (B)', 'as an opportunity to (A), (B)', or 'as a result of (A), (B)'. (A) may either be a positive or negative event, but will usually be something extremely big in terms of life, or current/historical events in the world.
契機(けいき) will be seen after nouns, or verbs that have been nominalized with either の or こと.
  • 子供(こども)()まれたの契機(けいき)、パチンコをやめることに()めた。
    I decided to quit pachinko as a result of my child being born.
  • 移動(いどう)制限(せいげん)緩和(かんわ)されたこと契機(けいき)観光客(かんこうきゃく)(かず)()えた。
    The travel restriction being eased led to an increase of tourists.
  • 彼女(かのじょ)出産(しゅっさん)契機(けいき)会社(かいしゃ)()めた。
    She quit her job as a result of giving birth.
Alternatively, にして or として may replace に without any change in the overall meaning.
  • 田中(たなか)さんは入院(にゅういん)契機(けいき)にして、タバコを()めました。
    Tanaka-san being hospitalized led him to quit smoking.
  • 大統領(だいとうりょう)暗殺(あんさつ)契機(けいき)として戦争(せんそう)(はじ)まった。
    The assassination of the president led to a war.
Caution - Unlike をきっかけに, 契機(けいき) will almost exclusively be used in relation to some turning point or critical juncture. Due to this, it can sound quite unnatural when used to express a trigger that would not be considered a big event.
  • 先輩(せんぱい)(たの)しそうに料理(りょうり)をしている姿(すがた)()たのをきっかけに(わたし)料理(りょうり)(はじ)めることにした。
    Seeing my senpai enjoy cooking led me to start cooking too. (Natural Japanese)
  • 先輩(せんぱい)(たの)しそうに料理(りょうり)をしている姿(すがた)()たの 契機(けいき)(わたし)料理(りょうり)(はじ)めることにした。
    Seeing my senpai enjoy cooking led me to start cooking too. (Unnatural Japanese)


  • 鎖国(さこく)とは、日本(にほん)では海外(かいがい)との交流(こうりゅう)遮断(しゃだん)する政策(せいさく)であった。黒船(くろふね)到着(とうちゃく)契機(けいき)鎖国(さこく)()わった。

    'Sakoku' was the Japanese policy of cutting off any cultural exchange with foreign countries. The arrival of the black ships led to the end of 'Sakoku'.

  • スプートニクは1957(ねん)()()げられた。それ契機(けいき)宇宙(うちゅう)開発(かいはつ)時代(じだい)(はじ)まった。

    Sputnik was launched in 1957. As a result of the launch, the space race began.

  • (はじ)めてのトランジスタが考案(こうあん)された契機(けいき)(あたら)しい技術(ぎじゅつ)革新(かくしん)()()がった。

    A new innovation in technology suddenly happened with the transistor being developed for the first time as a trigger.

  • 転職(てんしょく)契機(けいき)()()きを()(もど)した。

    As a result of my change in occupation, I was able to regain my composure.

  • あんなに大人(おとな)しかった(かれ)が、引越(ひっこ)契機(けいき)よく(はな)ようになった。

    He, who was so quiet, has, as a result of moving, become quite talkative.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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最近の返信 (合計3件)

  • Hadros232232


    What is the difference between を契機に and をきっかけ?

  • wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV


    The details for this grammar point indicate it can be written ~にして・として, but none of the examples show this usage and both are simply marked wrong. Under what circumstances are these variations used?

  • Fuga


    Hey @Hadros232232 !

    を契機に is usually used in writing, or when the speaker is talking about social issues or historical topics, but きっかけに is usually used when talking about yourself.

「を契機に」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
