
N2 レッスン 9: 16/23


By any account, All the same, No doubt


(なん)といっても + Phrase


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(なん)といっても is an expression that is used in almost exactly the same way in Japanese as it is in English, and qualifies that 'no matter what is said, (A)', or 'by any account, (A)'. Being a mix of the substitute noun (なん) 'what', or 'whatever', と, the て-form of the う-Verb ()う 'to say', and も, the literal meaning is also 'even whatever one can say (A)'.
(なん)といっても is used primarily at the beginning of sentences, and frequently highlights something that is a positive aspect of (A).
  • あのカフェは(なん)といってもコーヒーとアイスクリームが(やす)いからとても人気(にんき)がある。
    Without a doubt, they have cheap coffee and ice cream at that cafe, so it is very popular.
  • (かれ)正直者(しょうじきもの)だし、(はな)しやすい。しかし、(なん)といっても(だれ)(たい)しても(やさ)しいからみんなに()かれている。
    He is honest and easy to talk to. But, by any account, he is nice to anyone, so he is well liked by everyone.
  • (わたし)日本語(にほんご)先生(せんせい)(きび)しいけど、(なん)といっても日本語(にほんご)(おし)えるのがものすごく上手(じょうず)だ。
    My Japanese teacher is strict, but she is very good at teaching Japanese without a doubt.
Like many uses of (なに), the pronunciation change to (なん) is simply for ease of speech.
Despite being used mainly in positive situations, (なん)といっても may occasionally appear with a negative nuance as well, although this is far less common.
  • (かれ)(わる)いところは、(なん)といってもすぐに(うそ)をつくことだ。
    The bad thing about him is, by any account, that he is quick to lie.


  • 別府(べっぷ)空気(くうき)雰囲気(ふんいき)いい(なん)といってもいろんな温泉(おんせん)(たの)しめることだ。

    Beppu is a place with clear air and a wonderful atmosphere. All the same, you should enjoy its variety of hot springs.

    • ここ回転(かいてん)寿司(ずし)は、ネタが新鮮(しんせん)美味(おい)しい。しかし、(なん)といっても(やす)からおすすめだ。

      The toppings at this kaiten-zushi restaurant are fresh and delicious. But, by any account, it's very cheap so I recommend it.

      • この電車(でんしゃ)(あたら)しくて綺麗(きれい)だ。しかし、(なん)といっても客席(きゃくせき)のすわり心地(ごこち)最高(さいこう)だ。

        This train is new and clean. There's no doubt that the seats are extremely comfortable.

        • うちの会社(かいしゃ)いいところは、(なん)といってもボーナスがたくさんもらえることです。

          A good point about our company is, by any account, that we get lots of bonuses.

          • あの牧場(ぼくじょう)のおすすめは、(なん)といっても自家製(じかせい)アイスクリームだ。

            My recommendation for that farm, is no doubt, their home-made ice cream.

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              • [AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese

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            最近の返信 (合計2件)

            • Houndstooth


              Can someone explain what the しかし is doing in this sentence and how it changes if it were missing ? I understand it as similar to “but” in English, meaning it would be conradicting something said previous to it. However, nothing is contradictory here, so can it also be used, essentialy, as a less formal しかも in that it simply adds information?

            • Fuga


              Hey @Houndstooth !

              When しかし is used at the beginning of a sentence, it could be used to emphasize something the speaker is surprised/delighted about. When they are used to emphasize what comes after, it can have the same meaning as それにしても ‘anyway’, or なんとまあ (another word used to express surprise or delight).

              So, the sentence; しかし、なんといっても客席きゃくせきのすわり心地ここちが最高さいこうだ。has the nuance of ‘But let me tell you what I was most delighted by, their seats are extremely comfortable’.

              We hope that answers your question!

            「何といっても」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
