
N2 レッスン 3: 12/23


Depending on, So


Noun + 次第(しだい) +
Noun + 次第(しだい)


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Coming after another noun, 次第(しだい) 'directly following' is a noun that will often be used in a similar way to a suffix. In these cases, it will be followed by だ, or で and a part (B) statement. In this use, 次第(しだい) will be translated as 'depending on (A), (B)', or '(B) depends on (A)'. (A) will most frequently highlight a person or some specific situation that is considered to be in control of what happens next.
  • (ゆめ)をかなえられるかどうかは(きみ)努力(どりょく)次第(しだい)だ。
    Being able to make your dream come true or not depends on you.
  • 第一(だいいち)希望(きぼう)大学(だいがく)(はい)れるかは、試験(しけん)結果(けっか)次第(しだい)だ。
    Whether I can go to the college of my first choice or not, depends on my test results.
  • 内装(ないそう)工事(こうじ)完成(かんせい)()次第(しだい)で、(かぎ)()(わた)()()わる可能性(かのうせい)があります。
    Depending on the completion date of the interior construction, the date for handing over the key may change.
  • 値段(ねだん)次第(しだい)で、ナビを()けるか()けないかを()めます。
    Depending on the price, I will decide on whether I want to install a navigation system or not.
Fun-fact - In all of its nuances, 次第(しだい) just expresses a sequence of events or deciding factors, and what either will or has happened due to that. This link can be seen in other grammar patterns like 次第(しだい) 'as soon as' , and 次第(しだい)です 'due to that', or 'as a result of that'.


  • 成功(せいこう)大抵(たいてい)努力(どりょく)次第(しだい)

    Success depends mostly on effort.

  • 天気(てんき)次第(しだい)()(がえ)りか一泊(いっぱく)二日(ふつか)かを()めます。

    Depending on the weather, we will decide on a daytrip or staying overnight.

  • ワイン渋味(しぶみ)濃度(のうど)次第(しだい)

    Wine's astringency depends on its concentration.

  • アイデア次第(しだい)売上(うりあげ)にかなりの(ちが)()てきます。

    Depending on the idea, a considerable difference in sales will show up.

  • 結果(けっか)次第(しだい)は、(あらた)めて(べつ)検査(けんさ)必要(ひつよう)になります。

    Depending on the results, you will need to be checked again using a different test.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。






最近の返信 (合計4件)

  • wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV


    I just encountered the following example:

    How difficult child raising becomes depends on how much cooperation your husband and family give you.

    Given that 次第 is a noun suffix, I’m trying to understand how this sentence is grammatical. Does か act as a nominalizer here?

  • mrnoone


    Hey @wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV

    か in here marks an embedded question and in some aspects, you can think of it as a noun phrase. Notice that particle 「は」also follows 「か」in
    育児がどれくらい大変になるかは part.

    This phenomenon is fairly common, for example in English you can also use quotations like nouns in some cases like:
    His “you are doing it wrong” is always pissing me off.

  • wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV


    OK, I see. Yeah, it does make sense now that you put it that way. I think I was interpretting the Noun + 次第だ structure too strictly. So 次第 can also be used with noun phrases. That’s good to know. Thanks!

「次第だ・次第で」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
