
N2 レッスン 6: 6/20


At last, Finally, More and more


いよいよ + Phrase


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愈々(いよいよ), seen primarily in hiragana, is an adverb that indicates that (A) has or will 'finally happen'. In many cases this is after some state that has been continuing for a long time, or has been compounding further and further until (A).
Like many other sentence altering adverbs, いよいよ will appear at the beginning of a phrase. It is also considered quite casual when compared to other grammar points like ついに.
  • いよいよ明日(あした)卒業(そつぎょう)か...。
    Tomorrow is finally our graduation, isn't it…
  • いよいよ(おれ)(ばん)だ。緊張(きんちょう)するけど頑張(がんば)らなくちゃ!
    It is finally my turn. I am nervous, but I must do my best!
As いよいよ highlights something that is compounding, it can also frequently be translated as 'more and more'.
  • 台風(たいふう)接近(せっきん)するにつれて、いよいよ(かぜ)(つよ)くなってきた。
    As the typhoon approached, the wind started to blow more and more.
  • (かれ)(はなし)()いていると(かれ)いよいよ(あや)しくなってきた。
    Listening to his story makes him more and more suspicious.
The difference between the nuance of いよいよ being 'finally' or 'more and more' will usually be clear due to the statement following it being either conclusive (finally), or inconclusive (more and more).


  • いよいよ夏休(なつやす)(はじ)まった!

    Summer vacation has finally begun!

  • じゃ、いよいよ(おれ)(ばん)だ!

    Finally, it's my turn.

  • いよいよ(はる)がやって()た。

    Spring has finally arrived.

  • いよいよ(むすめ)小学校(しょうがっこう)入学(にゅうがく)する

    Finally, my daughter will enter elementary school.

  • いよいよ大学(だいがく)卒業(そつぎょう)する

    I have finally graduated college!

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。






最近の返信 (合計2件)

  • Hadros232232


    What’s the difference between いよいよ and とうとう?

  • Fuga


    Hey @Hadros232232 !

    いよいよ has a positive nuance, and it is used with events that the speaker is excited about. とうとう is used when something not too exciting is going to happen soon., and has a slightly ‘negative’ nuance.

    This sentence has the nuance of ‘It is finally my turn! I have waited so long for this moment!’

    This sentence has the nuance of ‘Ugh, I cant believe it is already my turn already.’ or ‘Ugh, it is finally my turn, how long have I waited to be called…’

    We hope that this answers your question!

「いよいよ」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
