
N3 レッスン 9: 18/22


In that way, Exactly, Precisely, Just as


Verb[る](1) + とおり
Noun + どおり
Noun + + とおり

(1) Verb[た]


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Often, the noun とおり carries the meaning of 'in that way', or 'just like that'. In its kanji form, とおり will be written as (とお)り, and literally means 'street', or 'way'. However, it is regularly used to indicate the level of 'sameness' one thing has with another. This 'sameness' meaning appears when とおり is used as a suffix.
とおり (or どおり) may be used with verbs or nouns. In the case of verbs, it is common to see it being used after both the plain form, and the simple-past form.
  • 客様(きゃくさま)おっしゃる(とお)です
    Honored guest, the thing you say is precisely correct. (That's exactly right)
  • (かれ)(ぼく)(おも)った(とお)時間(じかん)(かえ)てきた
    Just as I expected, he came back when I thought he would come back.
Both どおり and のとおり may be used directly after nouns. However, とおり will only be used when the case marking particle の comes between the noun and とおり.
  • 計画(けいかく)どおり (すす)めて()きます。
    We will continue as the plan suggests.
  • (らん)(とお)(わたし)()(なに)ありません
    As you can see, I have nothing in my hands.
While both of these structures may be used interchangeably, どおり is more common, especially in speech.
Fun Fact
Constructions like ()った(とお)り and その(とお)り are used very frequently, simply as a polite way to agree with what has been said by another. In these cases, it translates similarly to 'that's exactly right', or 'that's it!'.
  • リカ()った(とお)だったあそこパン()さんはすごくおいしかった!
    It was exactly as you said, Rika! The bakery over there was very delicious!
  • 本当(ほんとう)その(とお)です(なん)でいつも(わたし)たちやらないといけないですか。
    That's honestly exactly it! Why do we have to do it all the time?




    It was just as I thought.


    Right now my graduation thesis is coming along nicely. I can finish it exactly/just as planned.


    It will be precisely/just as you say.


    Those who passed are as follows... (Precisely)


    Exactly/Just as you may guess, he is quite ill.

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      最近の返信 (合計14件)

      • testing


      • xuzab


        Hi there! This sentence is really tripping me up:

        Can someone walk me through what the には is doing? I guess I would’ve expected something more like 物事はいつも計画どおりいかないものだなぁ。

      • Pablunpro



        Indeed, the role of には is a recurrent question, here is the grammar point on this particle combination. In this sentence, there is also the ものだ structure, a construction used to highlight information that is considered obvious.

        So, it would be like saying, literally, “Everybody knows that, in regard to things, they don’t always go according to plan”.

      「とおり」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
